All in Grief



I keep dreaming about my mom.  It is so strange.  I am not in a fog or depression, but I do keep dreaming about her and that does make my mornings a little tougher.  I have to process the dream and cry a little.

Option 3!

I had a dream last night and when I woke I could not remember ANY OF IT!  Has this ever happened to you?  It is so annoying!  Especially if you are like me and remember your dreams.  As I laid there trying desperately to go back to sleep, thoughts of my mom washed over me. 

Stumbling in the Darkness

Do you ever find yourself stumbling in the darkness?  I don't mean in the "literal sense", I mean in the "figurative sense".  I know I do and I do quite often.  Usually I can find my way out of the darkness, but there have been two times in my life where finding my way out was like digging through concrete.