
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

A Force

A Force

My Father was a force…..A beautiful, mysterious, yet humble force….one I will so miss.

Definition of Force: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.

Definition of my F A T H E R







My Father,

F-Fearless. Not afraid to do anything. Not afraid to be anything. Not afraid to take an idea, start a company, feed his family, and provide a life for us that was so rich and full of love.

A-Accomplished. Married the woman of his dreams and stayed married to her for over 50 plus years. Four beautiful kids all grown, all successful, all happy. Thirteen beautiful grandkids, and five amazing great-grandkids.

T-Teacher. It is the law of radiation and attraction my dear. You get what you give in life. Best lesson he ever taught me!

Empowering-You can be or do whatever you want…it is your choice.

Resilient-He withstood any difficulty thrown his way and he did it humbly and with pride and always recovered from whatever difficult situation was present….and recovered with class. My father was one classy guy!

When I think of my father I think of a Fearless, Accomplished, Teacher, who was Hard-working, Empowering, and Resilient. That was Bob Foley! The man who always provided a safe a place for us. A place where we could learn and grow. An environment where we could be or do anything we wanted. A place where we felt loved.We always felt at home…. A home where we were safe to be anyone we wanted to be and do anything we wanted to do without judgement, maybe pushback, but no judgement.

My father was my first knight and shining armor. He was the man I looked up to and admired up until he took his last breath March 13, 2021. A day that will forever change me. The day my knight left this earth.

A day I never believed would come and a day I never saw coming. He was doing so good! He was so strong! He had survived a serious car wreck where he brushed death’s door. He survived raising four kids, and not just any ole kids, we ALL have big personalities! He survived a heart attack, the death of his wife, a broken neck, covid, and honest to God I really thought he would survive more! Why? Because he was a force! A force who will be sorely missed on this earth. A force who left his mark and what a mark he has left.

Four beautiful children who are all alive and thriving. Thirteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren, a company or two, and so many beautiful memories and lessons.

My dad was my first love and my forever hero. I will miss him but I know his energy is still here. It is in my heart. It is all around…I just have to be open and aware to receiving it, feeling it, and by God sharing it! I will too! I will shine brighter because my dad taught me too….



Ignorance is Bliss

Ignorance is Bliss

It Is Good...Now Rest

It Is Good...Now Rest