
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Does Time Heal?

Does Time Heal?

Dear Mom,

It has been two years since you left this world. Two years since I have been able to talk to you and hear your sweet, sweet, jersey accent. Oh how I miss it and you. A lot has happened in these two years without you and yet it still seems unreal that you are not here. It is weird, sometimes it feels like you are here. I know in my heart those are signs you are sending me to let me know you are. For this I am forever grateful.

So two years and one would think that the saying “Time Heals” would begin to apply. Mom, I am not sure I will ever heal from the loss of you. You were my best friend, you were my mother, you carried me for nine months, you loved me when I was unloveable, you believed in me, and you raised me. No time does not heal Mom, but I can say that time has taught me how to live with the greatest loss. The loss of you.

I miss you so and this year was a really, really, rough year. But, I am proud to say I honestly feel like I got through it with grace and I think you would be proud. No, I take that back. I don’t think it, I know you are proud. Guess what Mom, I am so proud and I am so proud to say I know I got through it because of the lessons and virtues you instilled in me. You taught me how to fight and not give up. You taught me how to believe. You taught me how to pray and you taught me about faith. Thank you Mom!

So on this heavenly birthday I really hope you are up there celebrating the legacy you have left. A beautiful legacy of Fatih, Love, Kindness, Hope, and Strength. Happy Heavenly Birthday Mom! I miss you so!

All my Love,


PS. Dad is still kicking and doing great! Robin and I are still working well together taking care of him and Paul has kept his word on taking care of Benji! Chuck comes in as often as he can to see Dad and you would be proud to know the Foley kids are enveloping him in love. So don’t worry your cute little red head one bit! The dog and Dad are GREAT!

If you have experienced a loss sometimes journaling and mediation/prayer help heal the void. This book can help you one day at a time….that is what it is all about after all….one day at a time.

Why Black Eyed Peas?

Why Black Eyed Peas?

Christmas Wish

Christmas Wish