
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Are You in the Club?

Are You in the Club?

It is thanksgiving!  Today is a day that is suppose to be full of love and gratitude, but for some today will be empty, lonely, or dark. For all my friends who are in the club of "firsts", know you are not alone. 

Some of you are asking yourself, "what does she mean." I am talking about the first thanksgiving without a parent who has past within the last 365 days. For me it is my mom and for one of my best friends it is her dad.

It is not a club you want to be in, unfortunately, it is a club we all find ourselves in eventually. It is a sad reality, but there is hope in this reality. Hope in Jesus Christ and hope in the beautiful reality we will all be together again in Heaven and what a glorious Thanksgiving that will be. 

For some of us in this group, this hope will be what gets us through this day. Others of us might still be doubting and this is ok too. Trust me, after my mom died I was in the trenches of doubt. Lean on your family and friends if you find yourself doubting. Some of you might even find yourself downright mad. That is ok too. Trust me when I tell you I was not just mad, I found myself pissed off at God, for lack of a better word. Seriously!  So if you find yourself there, it is ok too. 

Wherever you find yourself, it is ok. Go easy on yourself. Trust me on this. Don't expect today to be anything, matter of fact, my advice is take each minute of the day as they come at you with zero expectation. Then you won't be disappointed in someone or yourself. This has been a huge coping mechanism for me. ZERO EXPECTATIONS!  

Most importantly my dear friend and reader, know your loved one is up their in the mysterious place known as Heaven and they are watching over you. Look for them today. Listen for them. You will be so surprised when you hear their whisper from heaven, it will bring you a peace that overcomes your soul. Trust me. They are with us and they will reveal themselves to you at the oddest moment and you and only you will know, "Ah, this is my loved one". 

Happy Thanksgiving and much love and hope and joy to you today and always.



Gift Ideas

Gift Ideas

What's for dinner

What's for dinner