
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Christmas Wish

Christmas Wish

It’s Christmas Eve and I am pondering on the idea of Christmas wishes……Isn’t it funny how when we get older our Christmas list becomes smaller, maybe even non existent. I mean we are adults and we can just go out and buy what we want if we really want it. True story.

This Christmas season as I was working on the boys list and things to get the older people in my life I realized somethings just can’t be bought. They just can’t. Love, Hope, Joy, Peace, Worthiness…..These gifts cannot be bought. If we are being honest these gifts are the greatest gifts of all. Not the diamond necklace, the x box, the clothes, the whatever, but the gifts of Love, Hope, Joy, Peace…..and Worthiness. This is my Christmas Wish!

My wish for all of you this year is my wish for myself and my family. My wish is that we all would reflect tomorrow, Christmas morning, on the simple fact that we were given those precious gifts…..many, many, many, many, years ago when a baby was born in a manger. He is the gift of Hope. Hope that we will see our loved ones that have gone before us. Joy in the present moment with our loved ones present. Peace in this world that has so much evil and hatred and Worthiness in knowing we are worthy. He came to make sure we knew we are Worthy and we are Loved. He came to give us Hope. He came to bring us Joy. He came to bring Peace upon this unsettled world. All you have to do is have a little faith in that which is unseen.

So this Christmas may we all put on a new pair of lenes. The lenses of faith to see Christ and to know Him. To feel his love so that in good times and in bad times we know we are Worthy and we are Loved. You are Worthy my friend and I am so grateful for you!

Merry Christmas!



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