
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

48 Years Ago Today....

48 Years Ago Today....

Dear Trey,

48 Years ago today the world was forever changed and believe it or not mine was too. I firmly believe that 48 years ago today, God started to pave the path for you and I to one day be together in marriage. You know why I believe this? Because my mom was a woman of prayer. My mother prayed daily for all of her kiddos and I have been blessed to have witnessed this and I in turn do this now for our kids.

Do you know what one of those prayers is? I would love to share it with and you, but I must confess this prayer has evolved over the years due to lessons I have learned from people who love me and love us. It goes something like this.

Dear God,

Thy will be done with our boys and if I may I would like to be open about what I would love to see, but I will trust your will. (YES! I do say this!) Thy will be done with all the boys. I pray they all three do great in school, they are self motivators, do their work, stay out of trouble, and are leaders. I pray they all know you Lord and have a servants heart and a heart for you. I pray they all get into a college of their liking, one that you see fit for them and one they would love. I pray they get to do their passions, whatever they are, from the arts, to athletics, to work. I ask that you guide them and when they are through with college, I pray the perfect journey will start for them. One that includes their hearts desire as well as a partner and helpmate for life. A partner that you have been preparing for them now with a heart for you and one that will build them up and love them always right where they are. I pray if it is your will they will have children and Trey and I can grow old together watching all of this unfold and getting to be a part of their lives….with our health, happiness, love, and finances in tact so we can participate in life with them. What a beautiful thing that would be God. That would be my dream. Thank you God and I know you have us all but please keep my boys safe from the evils in this world. Protect them and fill them with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amy

Yep….everyday this is what I pray….sometimes I add in and sometimes if I am being lazy I just cut to the quick and say something like, “I am tired….please God allow us to grow old watching all three boys grow up to be and do wonderful things.”

I believe in my heart of hearts my mom did this for us. I believe she prayed for us starting October 22, 1970 and December 30, 2000 I believe my mom’s prayer came to life. Maybe not exactly how she would have had it because Lord knows I gave her a run for the money growing up, but when all was said and done I know she thought, “Yes Lord, this was my prayer. This man who loves and adores my Amy.”

December 30, 2000……The day we became one…..

December 30, 2000……The day we became one…..

So February 18, 1971 the world changed because of a beautiful addition, one that would change my world. I am so grateful for you Trey Berry! Thank you for always loving me right where I am, for believing in me when I don’t believe in myself, for building me up, and for giving me loads of grace! Grace that I don’t deserve.

I am so grateful my mom prayed over me like that and I am so grateful you were in God’s plan for me. You complete me and our family is so blessed because of you. I admire you. You are the most courageous man I know and the way you fight for your family leaves me in awe daily. Thank you for believing in us and for setting such an incredible example for our boys. Because of you someday they will make someone feel as safe, protected, and secure as you have made me. My prayer is they will find someone to love them back right where they are… always believing in them like I believe in you!

Our beautiful family….

Our beautiful family….

I believe in you Trey Berry! Don’t you ever forget this! Happy Birthday my love and here is to many, many, more!


Amy Girl

You Are A Gift To This World

You Are A Gift To This World

You are Loved

You are Loved