
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

15 Years Ago Today, Our World Was Forever Changed and Forever Blessed!

15 Years Ago Today, Our World Was Forever Changed and Forever Blessed!

I can't believe that 15 years ago today, I woke up at 5:00 am to realize I was in labor.  Again, 6 weeks early to the day like his brother and literally 14 months after having his brother!  John Paul decided today was his day to make his appearance!  And boy did he!  He was maybe the most beautiful new born I have ever seen! Truly!  But, he was by far the most difficult baby in the womb.  I mean yall, I was sick EVERY day!  I weighed maybe 125 lbs the day he was born and to put that into perspective for you I weigh about 150 to 152 lbs depending on the day!  So as you can see I was SERIOUSLY sick.  Thank God I had the most amazing doctor and home care nurse known to man. They truly were an incredible team and they truly were amazing!  I will forever be grateful to them.  But, the point is, 15 years ago today our world was forever changed and forever blessed.

My amazing nurse Teresa and my beautiful mom and I.

My amazing nurse Teresa and my beautiful mom and I.

I remember when I found out I was pregnant with JP.  I had just returned from a trip to Colorado to spread the ashes of a very dear friend of mine and I was already emotionally wrought.  When I took the test and it showed up positive I crumbled.  I remember looking at Will who was only 7 months old at the time and thinking, "How can I ever love another child?"  I am sure other mothers can testify that this is a real fear.  One that is healthy, but I promise you the minute the second baby is born it is a fear that fades away into the world like it never even happened.   I can tell you that I love my JP every bit as much as I love his brother Will.  Heck if we are being honest somedays he is my favorite, other days Will is my favorite, and still other days Graeme is my favorite!  It all depends on who is behaving!  Just kidding!  Kind of!  I love them all so much and I love my JP so much!  I digressed again!

Back to the morning of February 21.  I remember I woke up and I had a horrible dream.  It was actually a dream about me having a baby.  Only in my dream JP was a little girl and she was born still born and my childhood neighbor was helping deliver her.  She kept saying to me she was with God she did not want to be in this world.  I remember waking up crying and seeing that it was 5:03 am and pop!  My water broke!  I leaned over and told Trey it was go time.  We of course were not ready as it was 6 weeks too early, but  I remember he was so great with me though and reassured me all would be ok. 

My mom was with us as I had been so sick that our parents took turns coming to stay with us and help to take care of Will.  That was a bonus being I was so scared and I really loved having my mom there.  On the way to the hospital I remember crying and Trey kept telling me everything was going to be great.  I did not have the heart to tell him about my dream.  I was TERRIFIED and this baby was coming and there was no time to really think about it.  We did not know the sex of JP so it really was scary because I had no idea if he was a boy or a girl.   I kept praying to myself, "God please no....don't let this be a still born little girl....please God.  Please let this baby be healthy.  Please God Please!"  That is all I kept praying. 

My mom and John Paul the day we brought him home from the hospital.  Look at the love in her eyes.

My mom and John Paul the day we brought him home from the hospital.  Look at the love in her eyes.

I will spare you all the details of the delivery because honestly it was pretty non eventful, which is a great thing!  I do remember my sweet mom having a hard time watching me in pain and watching me push, but our neighbor Kerry, who happened to be a nurse, and my nurse Teresa did a great job of shielding her and tending to her.  I am so glad she had them because they talked her through everything so she was able to stay in the room and she was with us the moment our beautiful son JP was born.  What a miracle and what a blessing!  And to have my mom there made it even more special!  Sure she had birthed four kids of her own, but watching her grandson come into the world she said was a day that she would never forget and she would always cherish.  

I remember the moment the doctor said, "We have a baby!"  And my husband literally yelled, "Is it a hang down or a split tail doc?!"  For real yall!  I have it on video somewhere!  She looked at me with a beautiful smile (chuckling) and said, "It's a boy!  A beautiful little boy!"  And he was so beautiful!  Will had to be sucked out so he had a little cone head, but somehow my sweet JP's tiny little head was perfect and round and he was stunning!  And would you believe that he was born at 2:10 PM, weighed 5 lbs, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long and Will Berry was born at 2:10 AM, weighed 5 lbs, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long.  And they BOTH were born 6 weeks early to the day!   I think that is so cool!  

15 years ago today I was blessed with our second son and blessed with the gift of JP and what a gift he is.   He has grown into such an amazingly talented young man with such a bright future ahead of him!  Ever since the day he was born I have tried to be the best parent I can be.  Having a baby changes EVERYTHING and having TWO babies REALLY changes everything!  Priorities shift... and the day JP was born my priorities changed to not only Will, but Will and JP and our precious family.

Priorities of helping them feel important, empowering them,  teaching them about Jesus, finding time for the things that matter to each of them.  Laughing with them, crying with them, growing with them, listening to them, and all the moments in between.  Sure we disagree and my biggest fear when this happens is do they know that even in disappointments I love them?  Do they know that I will make mistakes or they will make mistakes, but,  I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THEM.  No matter what, I love them!   Do they know this?  That is the priority!  Love!  Unconditional love.  

So, as I reflect back on the last 15 years, I sit here in awe.  I am in awe of the young man JP has become and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for him.  I know my boy is a star and he has such a beautiful future ahead of him.  The world is his and I pray every day he realizes how loved he is, how amazing he is, and how he can be and do anything he wants to!

Happy Birthday my JP Bear!  Believe in yourself JP and you WILL be unstoppable!  I believe in you! 

All my Love,


Hello, World!



This is a Mistake....Just Roll With It!

This is a Mistake....Just Roll With It!

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