I know this because every time you are on that stage and you sing, you give your audience wings to their imaginations and their worlds open up… when you are on that stage and you dance, the worlds rhythms becomes a little more in sync…..when you are on the stage and acting the world becomes a little more calm……when you play the violin, the audience listens with awe and beautiful thing happens, their ears hear angelic music which brings peace….It is a beautiful thing that happens to those present when you are on the stage. It is a gift you have been given and one you get to give to the world.
Julie Andrews was quoted saying, “Music and the arts make a bridge across this world in ways that nothing else can.” You my son can be that bridge. You are that bridge! I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you!
So on this 16 birthday son, know how very proud of you Dad and I are. Know how blessed we feel to have been given the gift of you! And know Son that we believe in you and the world needs you! Shine my boy! Shine!
Happy 16th JP!
All my love,