
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Father's Day Lessons

Father's Day Lessons

It's Father's Day! A day we celebrate our fathers contributions to our lives and thank them for all they do for us and our families. Did you know Father's Day was first celebrated by a girl by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd and she came up with the idea way back in 1909 when listening to a sermon at church about Mother's Day? Sonora sat there and listened to her pastor and thought, "I want to designate a day to my dad, William Jackson Smart, too!" You see, Sonora's father was a Civil War Veteran and a single parent who raised six children! Sonora recognized his contributions and wanted him to be celebrated as well as all fathers. So, June 19, 1910, at the YMCA in Spokane, Washington Father's Day was founded. How special is that? 

The truth is though, Father's Day was not official  until 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed it into law and made it an official holiday.  Now Father's Day is celebrated every third Sunday in June and fathers get the day off and are celebrated and loved on all over the nation. This Father's Day I want to do just that and I am asking my boys and Trey to do the same. I have asked each boy what is the best memory or piece of advice their father has given them and I have to say I love their answers and I think you will too.


Let's start with the youngest Berry Boy! Graeme! When I asked Graeme what Trey has taught him he sat there for about two minutes which I really loved. It showed me he was putting serious thought into his answer and boy did he! He looked up at me and replied, "Dad has taught me how to cast a fishing rod REALLY good Mom! I am really good at fishing now because of that!" I giggled on the inside and said, "That is so special Graeme!" He nodded. I then asked him if there was anything he would like to say to his dad. He again sat there for a moment with the serious thought he gave me before and looked up at me and said, "Yes, I would like to tell Dad he is the BEST DAD and thank you for always fishing with me and teaching me how to play Monopoly. I would also like to tell him I love him all the way to Booger City!" So there you have Trey, your son loves you all the way to Booger City! I know you are so proud! Ha! 

The boy NEVER quits!

The boy NEVER quits!

I then had to text the other two as John Paul is on a trip with a friend and Will is on his mission trip. I asked them both the same question. Will was the first to reply and his favorite piece of advice from Trey is: "Berry's never quit." This advice dates all the way back to their preschool days when we would take the boys to school. Trey always said and still does by the way, "Berry's never what?" And the boys would and still do reply with a resounding, "QUIT!" I have to say I really do attribute this daily dose of never quit from their Dad to all of their success. We are so blessed by their can do attitudes and their work ethics. Both big boys that is. Graeme remains to be seen, but I pray daily he follows right along in their footsteps.Point is, I believe in my heart of hearts it is due to the tiny pep talk each morning Trey has given them and I so treasure that and all those memories and moments of "Berry's never quit."

Next I got my sweet JP's response and wow is all I can say! JP literally wrote back to my text the following: "Food is a necessity for life, but it consistently acts as a home and a place to talk, relax, and be together with your family. Going to get dinner or lunch with my dad, specifically at S&D Oyster Company, gave me something little but something I will never forget and something I will be eternally grateful for.  I learned some of the most valuable life lessons and so much more more and it was so nice just to talk for an hour or two with my Dad." Oh my I love this kid! And I love that he appreciates these special simple moments with his Dad.

Family, food, and good times! Nourishment for the body and for the soul!

Family, food, and good times! Nourishment for the body and for the soul!

I asked Trey the same questions as I really wanted to see if some of this that the boys had to say about their father stemmed from the way Trey was raised and it is a resounding YES! Trey's best advice from his father is the following:

  1. Forgive-that my friends is my favorite!

  2. Keep your knees together-I will save this explanation for a future post! And trust me you will not want to miss it!

  3. He said his father always told him and still does by the way how much he loves him and how proud he is and was of him-even when he screwed up!

  4. And last but not least-Never quit! He said he learned the art of persistence from his dad! And there it is....the roll over came from my father in law!  Thank you Grubba! It all really started with you and now my husband is carrying the tradition and my hopes and prayers are that my kids will too!

I kid you not....my father is LITERALLY preaching about the law of radiation and attraction in this photo!

I kid you not....my father is LITERALLY preaching about the law of radiation and attraction in this photo!

When I think about these questions for my own father I can tell you the best advice my father ever gave me is very simple and it is kind of the meaning behind my blog when I really think about it. My father always told me, "Amy, life is all about the law of radiation and attraction! What you radiate you will get back." My dream and what I want to be remembered for is my love for all and that people see me radiate love. I learned this from my father. My first knight and shining armor, my first love, my first hero. My dad gave me my roots and my wings so I could fly and taught me to reach for the stars and follow my dreams and to do it with love. Thank you Dad! I love you so and I am so proud of the man you are and so proud to call you My Dad!

So this father's day if you are lucky enough to still have your Dad on this earth, take a moment, reflect on what is the best advice you have gotten from him, and thank him. Tell him what he has taught you and make sure to let him know you love him. After all we are all worthy of love!

Happy Father's Day Trey, Dad, Grubba, Chuck, Paul, Ralph, Tom, and all the Father's of this world! 



Hello, World!

This is a great book to get for any parent! I am doing it with my dad and I so wish I had it when my mom was alive!



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