
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

You are Loved

You are Loved

It’s February and Love is in the air EVERYWHERE! Everywhere you look there are hearts and although I am not particularly fond of the idea of Valentines Day, you can read about that here, I do love seeing all the hearts! I really do! It probably helps that my logo is hearts and my mission is for all to feel worthy of love!

You are worthy!

You are worthy!

What does it take to feel Worthy of Love?

Which brings me to a big question. What does it take to feel worthy of love? That is a pretty deep question and I think I know the answer to what, but the how can be hard for some people. Let me explain…..One thing I have learned these past few months is that not all of us are as lucky as I was to be raised in a home where God was and is love. Some people were raised in homes where God was never spoken of and others were raised in a home where God was not loving at all, but very judgmental. It is easy to see why some people don’t know God or even worse, don’t WANT to know or believe in God. Shoot all you have to do is turn on the TV and watch the news! All you see is the ridiculous fights among people, countries, families, friends, and let’s not forget all the evil, hatred, and natural disasters. If I am being honest, and I am, it is easy for me to question God sometimes. I have been known to get downright mad at God. I personally think He is ok with that…. especially when I keep the dialog going. Yes, I converse with God, often! Sometimes it is heated, sometimes it is on my knees in awe, and other times it is on my knees is desperation. He is my friend and we have a beautiful relationship. One of love, forgiveness, acceptance, and understanding. He wants that with you too! I promise He does.

Believe it or not, sometimes when things are going wrong in my life I find myself questioning God and even asking Him, “God, what I have I done to deserve this?” It is in those desperate moments I realize that I have lost my image and my belief of who God is-A loving God. When this happens I drop to me knees and open up to Him and really tell Him how scared I am. I find myself grasping at things to thank Him for and do you know what happens? I honest to God, no pun intended, find myself feeling his healing love, his warmth, and his presence. Afterwards I tend to forget all the pain I felt and begin to see the good that came from the pain. It is then that our relationship grows even stronger. How crazy is that?

So what does it take to feel worthy of love? I think it takes a relationship with God. I do know this can be so hard for a lot of people due to a lot of different things. I know for some doubt comes easily and belief is so difficult. My prayer is that you find that personal relationship and understanding of who God is and how much He loves you. I know this will take time and for some it may never happen. That makes me sad. I really want you to feel that presence that I feel and know you are loved right where you are. God is not one to say, “Let’s meet in the middle.” No, He will love you where you are and accept you with the most extraordinary compassion you have ever felt- on good days and on very, very, very bad days. I want you to feel this. It is such a beautiful feeling and so freeing to know you do not have to earn God’s love or work for it-you just need to open up and be receptive to it.


You might be asking yourself how? Truth be known, I really hope you are asking, “How Amy?”, and if you are not I hope you will at least try what I am suggesting. It is very simple. All you have to do is pray for greater faith today. That is it. If you don’t like the word pray then all you have to do is say what I am suggesting. It is a simple sentence to God. You don’t even have to say God in the sentence, because honestly He knows and He loves you already….He is just waiting on you. So….all you do is say, “I need and want greater faith today.” Maybe just maybe, slowly but surely you will begin to see and feel the miracles that are happening to you and around you. Slowly but surely, maybe just maybe, you will begin to feel the love, compassion, and understanding God has for you. It is really a beautiful experience and one I hope you can find for yourself. Because I promise you this, once you do your world will change. No it will not be easy street, but it will have a peace and serenity about it that is unexplainable, but very real. This is my prayer for you…..that you will open your eyes to things you have not seen and cannot see, your ears to things you need to hear, and your heart to the love that is waiting for you. Will you give this sentence a try? “I want greater faith today.” God is waiting patiently and when you are ready He will be too! Ready for you right where you are in this crazy, angry, evil, yet oh so beautiful world! Ready to love you because you my friend are worthy!

These are my amazing parents. They taught me that God is Love and I am Loved. You are Loved too!

These are my amazing parents. They taught me that God is Love and I am Loved. You are Loved too!

Until next time,



Hello, World!

Want or need a cute sweater for Valentines? Here are some great ideas at an awesome price point!

48 Years Ago Today....

48 Years Ago Today....

January Book Review

January Book Review