All tagged Trey

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I just spent the most magnificent,relaxing, week away with my husband. On the plane ride back I started my third book of the trip and the whole basis was flowers and love.  Through this book, I realized our marriage, and all meaningful relationships, are the same in that relationships are like a garden.  If you don't tend to them, water them, and clean them out at times, what happens? They die.

A Love Letter to Trey

When I started my blog and my writing I made a pact with my husband I would not air any of our dirty laundry.  I am very open as most of you know by now and Trey's one request is that I would respect our "stuff."  I agreed with him, but with the knowledge of knowing at some time I would have to make it very clear that our marriage is not a story book marriage.