
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Friday Faves!

Friday Faves!

It is that time of the week! It’s my Friday Faves!

This week I wanted to share three Podcast that I am currently crushing on! All three are a little different, but do the same thing…they help me grow as a human intellectually, spiritually, and in my relationships with those I love.

So if you are a self help junkie, if you find yourself a little lost, or if you just want to create a more loving environment with someone you love, take a look and maybe one or all of these podcast will fancy your soul like they do mine!

First up is the 6 Figure Influencer Podcast. My girl Allie Reeves is your girl if you are wanting to build your influence and your income on line with ease and actually have a good time doing it. Allie is a wife, a mom, entrepreneur, creator, and coach! And a damn good coach I might add! I know first hand! So if you are ready to let go of the excuses and start showing up as the woman you are meant to be, Allie’s podcast is just for YOU!!!!!


Another Podcast I have really been into is Jennie Allen’s Made for This. I first discovered Jennie Allen in a bible study with some of my friends here in Dallas and low and behold not only does Jennie live in Dallas, Jennie and I live in the same neighborhood and actually have kids the same age. Do I know Jennie? Not personally, but after doing her bible study Restless with my girls and Stuck on my own, I discovered her podcast and I have never looked back. Why? Because she is authentic and she is real and she hits on everything I was thinking before I did the first study with my turtle tribe (inside joke there for my girls). If you find yourself asking: How do I find my people? Why do I feel so alone? How do I deal with comparison? How do I handle conflict? And so many more, then I want to challenge you to take a listen. See what you think for yourself, but warning….you too might find yourself hooked and all the better for it!


Lastly is my girl Rachael Bedell with Slice Up Your Life! Why do I love Rachael? Well because she is real, she is raw, she is funny, she loves food, AND she is finding her way in her new walk with Christ, but most importantly she is my friend and my sister in Christ! Which brings me to my favorite thing about Rachael’s podcast…She is new to her faith walk and she is so innocent about it, so honest about it, and she is so interested in finding out how people came to their faith. I love how this curiosity of hers is actually growing her faith and you hear it stretching each new episode and it is so awesome to witness. It is actually a beautiful thing to hear, especially if you are new in your faith walk or ever feel like I do….like you have so far to go…. If you give each show a chance you will find that each story has some nugget you can walk away. Whether it is a story of loss, a story of starting a non profit, a story of whatever, if you really listen you find something in common with every story that helps you not feel alone in the world or inspires you to be more, and you learn the beautiful lesson of ….we all come to our relationship with God right on time. God’s time! So take a listen, see what you think, and if you enjoy it subscribe! Together let’s help Rachael grow in this beautiful journey!


So there you have it folks! Amy’s Friday Faves…..What podcast do you love? Let me know!

Until Next Time,



Expectation of the Female

Expectation of the Female

Telling God What I Think

Telling God What I Think