Are You There God?
2020 might be the longest year in the history of years! AND WE ARE ONLY IN MARCH! Does anyone feel me? If so, can I get an AMEN! This year has been tough for my family as my husband as been very sick, our school district has suffered two teenage suicides, and now the pandemic of the corona. I swear sometimes I find myself asking, “God are you there?”
I can honestly say, just as fast as I ask that or think that, I come back to: of course He is here! I look back to January 3 when my husband’s illness started and remember some very dark days in January, days I thought I was going to be a widow and I made it through. Trey made it through. My kids made it through. We made it through four hospitals, 63 days total in those hospitals, me as a single parent, And we did it all by the grace of God. How? God! That is the only answer I got!!!! I know I leaned into God like I have NEVER before and I know it was God who brought all of us through.
Why am I telling you this? Because I know it seems God is not here. Trust me I felt that way in January! Why would He allow this? And now a pandemic?! I don’t know that answer, but I personally THINK the answer is because He is desperate for ALL of us to rediscover our foundation of faith. He wants us to rely on Him. Is that all he needs us to do in this pandemic? No! He needs us to be like Him too! And he needs us to be smart! What does this look like? Well here are a few of my thoughts….take what you like and leave the rest, these are just my thoughts and maybe just maybe it will bring you the comfort it brings me.
RELY ON HIM! What does it look like to rely on Him? Well, I think for me it is starting my day with Him! No social media, no TV, no newspaper, but quiet time with Him. It is there that I find peace. It is there that I find something in the word that when the day does get scary like yesterday and all the gyms close (the places I work), or the schools close, I can lean back on my morning and remember His words that brought me comfort and peace. God is chasing after us. He is watching us. I know it seems like He is not because this is happening, but I promise He is. God does not make mistakes. This pandemic is not a mistake. It is all in His Perfect Plan. Do I know what that is? No, but I think He is here with us.
BE LIKE HIM! Love your neighbor! What does this mean? Well, it is pretty simple. Stay home and be patient. Our elderly, like my father, those with underlying illnesses, and our infants are depending on this. Think of the poor mama whose child has been suffering from cancer. They have been stuck in the hospital for who knows how long. They get to FINALLY come home and she of course has to go to the grocery and into public to stock her home. Don’t be selfish and be out bringing all those germs that can land on her and she can bring home to that child. OF COURSE there will be times you have to go, but be patient and go when you need to. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T HOARD THE TOILET PAPER! I had to say that, but I am scratching my head at what the heck is that all about? Point is, guys, I know it is hard. Trust me I know. I have an eight year old. But, we need to be sensitive to those at risk. They are all around us. My dad, my neighbor with diabetes, my neighbor with cancer, my neighbors mother in law, my college roommates daughter with CF….the list goes on and on. I bet if you took a pen to paper you would find on your block alone there is at least one person who falls into “HIGH RISK”, be aware and be smart and be like Jesus! STAY HOME unless you need to go out and when you do go out, don’t hoard! Share with your neighbors. It is very simple: The law of radiation and attraction. You get what you give! Give love, get love. Be crappy, get crap! You get the point. Be like Jesus! Emulate LOVE. Emulate compassion. Emulate patience. Emulate selflessness! BE LIKE JESUS! If everyone did this imagine how much more compassion and kindness would be in this world.
Be Smart! This kind of falls with number two, but I also think it falls into what you hear everyone saying. Drink your water. Eat your fruits. Eat your veggies. Take your vitamins. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. And stay positive. If that means turning off the news and distancing yourself from it, do it!!! Negative thoughts can literally bring down your immune system. So if the news is bringing you down, don’t watch it!!!!! Watch your alcohol intake. It is proven to be a depressant. If you find your are struggling mentally or slower the day after you have had a cocktail or two, maybe you should rethink booze until this is over. Is that buzz really worth your mindset and your immune system. I guess only you can decide that. For me no. I have three boys, a husband, and an elderly father counting on me, not to mention myself! I got dreams I have yet to fulfill!!!!! So be smart. Listen to your body. If you are tired sleep. If you are antsy go for a walk or better yet dance! If you are sad, stop the booze and don’t watch TV! Try journaling your thoughts and feelings. Listen to a podcast. Meditate. Do a puzzle. Play ping pong! There are all kinds of things you can do to change your mindset. Find what works for you and do it.
When you put these three things into place, or if you put them into place, you might be surprised at the peace that overcomes you. Peace that should not be there. Peace that you cannot explain. Peace that is warm.
Do you want that kind of Peace? I know I do. So will you join me and everyday for the next 8 weeks and get up and start your day with God? If you answered yes to that question here is what I am asking:
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Don’t worry about catching up! Start with Day one and go at your own pace! Trust me on this. I am behind too and GODS TIMING IS ALWAYS PERFECT! TRUST ME! You will be amazed at how whatever day you are on….whether it is day 1, day 68, or the actual day….the message will be perfect for you and will bring you so much peace.