
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Friday Faves!!!!!

Friday Faves!!!!!

Welcome to my Friday Faves!

Every so often on Friday I will come on here and share with you some of my new favorite things! Whether it is a thing, a place, (which we will not have any of that during covid), or a person. I will come on here and share! In return if you have something or someone I should be listening to, reading or trying please tell me! I love to find new things! Especially if they are a good deal!!!!!!

This Friday I would like to share some things I have found on Amazon that I am in love with! And I think you will love them too!

This book is EVERYTHING and then some! If you are ready to stop making excuses on why you can’t lose weight, get out of debt, be a better mentor, be a better leader, do whatever it is you have been wanting to do, but just can’t seem to move forward….then this book is for you! Click buy now and thank me later!

I swear by this oil! I put in on my face at night once I have completed all my steps and I leave it! It smells so good and my skin, oh my skin is in better shape than it ever has been! If your skin feels dehydrated I promise this is amazing stuff! It will help restore radiance, tone, and bring your face back to life!

My neighbor Kristy was wearing this dress and I was like I have to have that! She sent me the link and I ordered it and I am so happy! Call it a moo moo….I DON’T CARE! It is so comfy! Perfect for summer nights. Perfect for a cover up. Perfect for around the house or going shopping! And it is so boho chic it is nuts and the price is RIGHT! Need I say more? Thank you Kristy for the link and for sharing!!!!!

OK covid has taught me to go with the flow LITERALLY! With all the pollen in the air I am still washing my hair ALOT! Which is not normal for me, but at this time of year I have to! Normally I blow it out and fix it because I am going out in public. GUESS WHAT! I don’t have to anymore! This stuff is AMAZEBALLS! I don’t have to dry my hair! Is it perfect like I went to the Dry Bar? No! But it does the job and I actually look, “messy, sexy!” Trey’s words! Not mine! So if you want something that helps your hair dry without the heat and it looks good, try this! It works!!!!!


AND DRUM ROLL PLEASE! Those of yall who really know me….like really know me….You know I go to Palm Beach Tan EVERY week, sometimes twice a week, to get a spray tan. I am addicted and it is my vice, that and my potty mouth! I digress! Point is, some of you have literally commented in my story’s about how tan I still am. Well, here is my secret! NuSkin! I found it through my friend Sandra and I could not be happier! It is amazing! It does not stink! It looks natural! And the price is right! So if you want to get that natural glow without going to a place, lord knows I am not going anytime soon because I am in the camp of caution is best for me, than this is it! If you want some you can contact Sandra a couple of ways:

You can text her at: 214-649-6483

Private Message her on facebook at Sandra Morgan

Instagram @sandramorganyouth

Tell her I sent ya!!!!!!

So there are some of my faves as of late! What faves have you discovered in this awkward time of life?

Until Next Time,



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