
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Friday's Faves....for working out!

Friday's Faves....for working out!

Long time no FAVES!!!! But someone reached out and asked me if I would bring it back so here I am! Today I am coming in hot with my 3 MUST HAVES for my dance workouts! What I am about to share with you, can be used for any workout and I think you will be happy with my picks.

First up is my dry shampoo! This stuff is magic! I SWEAR! And it smells AMAZEBALLS! Which can come in handy if you ever forget to put on your deodorant…..just spray this in your pits! Trust me! I have done this a number of times! The secret to dry shampoo is to use it BEFORE you sweat! No lie! Trust me on this and I would love for you to try it and tell me what you think. Because of this magic in a bottle I probably only wash my hair once, maybe twice, a week. And my hair is in fantastic shape! Especially for someone entering menopause! So grab you some and let me know what you think. (I use the one for blondes, but I will attach the one for dark hair as well.)

Moroccanoil Dry Shampoo Dark Tones, 5.4 Fl. Oz.
Camrose Trading Inc. DBA Fragrance Express - DROPSHIP
Buy on Amazon

My second must have is my amazing water bottle! This bottle is perfect for anyone wanting to hold themselves accountable in the area of hydration, but it is also the bomb for me at dance. Now it is probably not the best water bottle for those of you on the machines as it would never fit in the cup holder, so I have attached another option here for that as well. But, hydration is so important and with this virus spinning around we want to keep our bodies in tip top shape and water is one of the best ways to do it!

And last but not least on the list is my bra! This bra is my everything! It keeps my girls so snug and secure it is ridiculous! And it comes in a number of colors! So if you are like me and want to keep time and jumping jacks from dragging those babies down, this bra is for you!




And as an added bonus due to covid I do bring a shield to wear at the gyms that require me to do so. Most gyms do not require a mask in cardio classes, but if they do I wear this and I am able to breathe fairly well, but at least I am not sucking in my own carbon monoxide!

So there are my Friday Faves for this week! What other favorites do you want to know of mine?

Until next time!



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