
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

2 Years And Still In Love

2 Years And Still In Love

I love that title! You know why? Because so many people thought this was a “phase” and I just wanted to get rich, or try to. Well, I am here to tell you and them, “NO I HAVE NOT GOTTEN RICH AND NO IT IS NOT A PHASE!” This is a love affair! A love affair with me and learning all about myself.

Definition of a love affair: An intense enthusiasm or liking for something.

You guys! I can tell you I am not only liking this blog, I am loving this blog!!!!!! And I am loving myself more and more! I have grown so much in so many ways……These past two years have been quite the journey. I lost my mom in December of 2016 and honestly the blog came about because of that. Many people would question me, while I was taking care of my mom, asking if I had considered blogging about the “Sandwich Generation”. I had not, but that is where the seed was planted and I actually started out writing about grief and it has evolved into life in general and truth be known, I am still trying to figure out what direction I want to go.There is so much to LIFE!!!! Life is so hard at times, other times it is so good, and still other times it is just tooling along with no bumps or highs. There are soooooo many things I could write about!!!!!


However, I realize now through the loss of my mom, that I needed this blog and it honestly might have saved my sanity. My mom was my biggest cheerleader. I called her daily at 3:00 and sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. She was who I told EVERYTHING too! The good, the bad, and the downright ugly! Things you should never tell your mom, especially about your spouse, but I did! Why? Because my mom was the coolest, kindest, most forgiving, most loving, most prayerful human being on the face of this earth, or at least that I knew of. I always knew I could tell her anything and she would listen, not judge, not offer advice, unless I asked for it, and always pray for whatever it was. I miss her so much.


Funny thing is, I am sitting here in my father’s hospital room writing this and I feel like I am reliving that journey all over. However, things are a lot different this go around. Some of it is more obvious….it is my dad, not my mom. Some of it is more similar, we are here as a result of a fall and complications from the fall. But something very important is different. ME! I am different. My mindset, my faith, my attitude, and my priorities…..all different.

I have come to the realization that God is in control. Funny thing to say I know, but it is true. I have learned so much about myself through my writing and if I am being honest, tons of therapy, these past two years. One of the things I learned about myself was that I truly did not trust God. That was a hard realization. I truly thought I knew what was best. Still do at times. I thought I knew how things should go. Still do at times. My prayers were more negotiations then gratitude. Still are at times. It is hard not to slip back into 46 years of that thought training. But I wake up every day and I hit my knees and I pray:

God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference. Your Will God…Not mine……Let Your Will Be Done Today…Amen.

That prayer right there my friend makes all the difference. Is it like lighting striking and I know I am healed everyday, and I go on with my day in peace? Heck no! Not even close. Some days, actually a lot of days lately, I find myself repeating that prayer over and over. Why? Because I am scared… and when I am scared I try to control things.

What drives this need for control? Fear! And fear is the devil’s friend and my worst enemy. Fear whispers in my ear and says, “You can control this. Just do this or say this.” Fear has me believe if I kick and scream or better yet cry, beg, and plea, things will go my way….they will do what I want. Fear has me looking at others lives and saying, “You will never be that, they are so happy, so strong, so pretty, so talented, so whatever…” Fear has me curl up in a ball on the couch, binge watch some show, and try to forget what is happening. Fear takes away precious moments and makes the devil do a dance. Fear is a nasty thing. When I feel it creeping in, which I do daily, I have to dig in deep, I pray, and I release it to God. I look at what it is that is driving the fear and 99.9999999 percent of the time it is something or someone that I have ZERO control over. True Story!

So…. I ask for the courage to show me what I can change. Do you know what happens when I do this? Slowly but surely I realize I am the only thing that can change! Sometimes it is my attitude that needs an adjustment. Sometimes it is a boundary I need to put up and stick to. Sometimes it is perspective and just looking at whatever it is in a different lens. Sometimes it is that I need to just slow down and relax. Sometimes it is my priorities. Almost always though, the only thing I can change is something about me!!!!! Truly. My reactions, my emotions, my thoughts, what I will or will not do, what I say or don’t say, point is….. it almost always comes back to me.


Do you know how freeing and how much growth I have had with this realization and this prayer? So much! So if you are needing to be released from fear, from a life that is pure chaos and not serene, my wish for you is that you give that prayer 30 days and see what happens. Will it be a miracle? Maybe it will be….why don’t you hit your knees and try it……

Until next time,



Simple Supper Suggestions #15

Simple Supper Suggestions #15

It's Here! September Book Review!

It's Here! September Book Review!