
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

First Came Love....Nine Years Later Came Marriage

First Came Love....Nine Years Later Came Marriage

Amy and Trey sitting in a tree…K I S S I N G! First came love and nine damn years later came marriage and wham bam 12 months later came Will in a baby carriage!

Welcome home Will Berry!!!!

Welcome home Will Berry!!!!

This is LITERALLY how my 30’s started, but first we had to make it through a plane crash! And when I say “we” I mean Trey! You heard that right! In May of 2000 my amazing husband survived a plane crash while doing work ups for the US Navy off the coast of California.

Would you believe he was out of the hospital in less than 8 hours! So this young, dumb, in love, fiance, thought nothing of it and kept on planning their wedding and never thought twice about it until recently. BIG mistake. The brain is a funny thing and trauma can resurface in odd and weird ways! But, hey! That is my forties and we are in my thirties!

My thirties were miraculous in that I became a wife and a mom! We got married on December 30, 2000, moved to California, and two short weeks later, Trey was off the coast of California preparing to go overseas for six months. We lived in a house on Silver Strand Beach with 5 other guys in which Trey’s squadron dubbed it the snake ranch with a flower. I have to say looking back I think to myself, “What the heck was I thinking?” But, I also have to say I had a blast with those guys!!!!! We cooked together, hung out, watched Survivor, and just had a blast. I never was alone and I never felt unsafe in my new surroundings. It was like I had four body guards and Trey! It was awesome! They took care of me and welcomed me with open arms.

In February, just before Trey got sent overseas, we FINALLY got to have our honeymoon. One thing is for sure. When you are a military spouse you learn real quick to be flexible and I think that was a great lesson for me. I had to learn to bend and realize that honeymoons might not happen in the traditional sense, the day after the wedding, Christmas for us might not be spent on December 25th, or birthdays and anniversaries might not be spent on their actual day, and I learned it was o.k. My life did not crumble. Just typing this I realize I probably learned a lot about that while working with my kids with cancer because it never bothered me and when we did finally get to be together I just really appreciated the time and was so grateful for it.

Trey left in March of 2001 for six months and I got to meet him over in Australia for a few weeks. My dear friend Dana came with me and we had a ball. We flew into Sydney and met the ship the next day and the adventure began! Australia is such a neat place and Trey and I have so many wonderful memories there, but the biggest memory we have is Sydney, Australia is where Will Berry was conceived! Yep! On the US Constellation! (That is a story for another day!) I use to kid with Will and tell him if he was a girl I would have named him Connie, but that is not true, I was going to name him Sydney if he was a girl, but it is a mute point, because, well, because he is a boy and he is my Will!!!!!

I had no idea we had conceived Will until about a month after I was back in the states and I was so sick! So sick, I came back to Texas and my mother in law and mother had to take care of me. I had terrible hyperemesis, but again, looking back God knew what he was doing because I got to be here to spend more time with Leah. Matter of fact Leah was with me the day I found out the sex of the baby. I remember that day like it was yesterday. When the nurse announced it was a boy, she got up and bolted from the room. Poor thing was so sad. She desperately wanted me to have a girl so I could name her after her and thank God for my mother in law’s quick thinking because she immediately said, “Well, his name will be William which is the male form of Leah!” Leah bought it and life was good!!!!!

In September of 2001 Trey called to say he was coming home from the middle east!!!!! He told me he was flying home a few days earlier than the ship. I was so excited! It was September 10, 2001 and I was back in California waiting for Trey to get home! He landed around 5 that afternoon, we had dinner with his grandparents, aunt, and mom and then we went home to be alone. We had our own little place on Silver Strand now and it was right on the beach. I remember waking up VERY early the next morning to our phones ringing and I clearly remember the sun coming up over the water and I could hear Trey’s father’s voice saying, “Turn on the T.V.”. We did and well, you know what was happening. I remember being so scared. The phone started ringing again and it was Trey’s Commanding Officer who was still en route on the U.S. Constellation telling Trey to pack his bags they were turning around and going back. This was a terrorist attack and this meant war. I was devastated and if I am being honest I truly was thinking, “This is it. My husband is going to war and is going to die. He will never meet our child.” Needless to say I was a mess.

Trey thankfully did not have to go back to the middle east, but he did fly patrol over New York and Washington DC, which for me gave me comfort because he was state side. I am not sure why, because they took those towers down with all those innocent people in it and that was state side, but for whatever reason I was able to cope. I am thankful for that.

Will Berry came 6 weeks early on December 9, 2001 and I became a mom! What a true miracle! And by January 30, 2002 we were moving across the country to Mississippi. What a whirlwind! We moved to Meridian, Mississippi in February 2002 and Meridian is where my sweet John Paul Berry was born! February 21, 2003. Yet another miraculous day in my life! And he too came 6 weeks early!!!!!

Welcome home John Paul Berry!

Welcome home John Paul Berry!

So in Meridian I found myself the mom of two active little boys, 14 months a part. A military pilot’s wife and it is when I officially left the Catholic Church. This was big for me! Growing up my father was my Sunday School instructor, we were in Church every Sunday, and people use to kid that my dad thought he was the Pope and my mom was like a nun! She said her rosary daily, almost until the day she died, and if something big was going on in your life she would not hesitate to pull out a Novena. For those of you who are not Catholic or a recovering Catholic like myself, a Novena is basically a thirty day prayer, but it is intense. So leaving the church was hard for me. However, we found the most amazing Church in Meridian. Northpointe Presbyterian Church. What an amazing church and what an amazing community.

Bob Bates was our Pastor and he and his sweet wife, Julie, along with all the amazing members welcomed our little family with open arms. I have so many amazing memories there, but here is one memory that has stuck with me. Being Catholic, I was not raised to pray from the heart, we did not do bible studies, we did not memorize scripture. I actually memorized prayers, which I say to this day, and I am not knocking my faith, it was just different. I remember being in a Bible Study at the church and the story of the rainbow and Noah’s ark came up. As God as my witness I never really grasped that the rainbow was a sign from God and a promise!!!! Now I am not blaming my Catholic upbringing or dogging it, but I am saying it was in that very moment I knew I had a lot of catching up to do! (Still do!) It was in that moment I knew I wanted to go deeper and get to know the bible! It was in that moment I chose to grow in my faith. Like I said, not bagging on my past, but for me this was a pivotal time and one I will forever be grateful for and it was because of that amazing community at Northpointe that I truly started to grow in my faith. Which now I know came at just the right time!!!!!

We were in Meridian from 2002 until 2005 when we moved back to Dallas. That was a little traumatic for us. Trey got out of the military and honestly I don’t think the military does a good job at helping you transition for military life to civilian life. It is quite a change and it is hard on marriages and families. Really hard. When we got back to Dallas I tried desperately to go back to how life was before I left here. I went back to work, tried rekindling relationships with friends I had before I left, and tried to go back to the Catholic Church. All of this made me miserable. Everything had changed and I HAD CHANGED!!!!! It had been five years and nothing was the same. Trey was struggling because he was working for Southwest AND flying for the reserves out of Fort Worth, so two jobs, and an angry wife. That was not a pretty time. It was actually one of our darkest times, but we fought like mad to not give up! Why? Because we were growing in our faith and we fought for that.

It is not easy when your marriage is out of sorts, you are feeling disconnected, and you have no church family. I seriously wonder how people do it with out a church home and a church family? Seriously!!!! We were a mess and desperately trying to find a church home. I am proud to say we FINALLY found a church one as that was so hard with so many choices here in Dallas! North Park Presbyterian was were we settled and yet again it was right where God wanted us. Our amazing pastor, Pastor Rich, truly was a life line for Trey and I. Through his counsel and yet again the amazing members, we made it through that terrible time and we made it through all the more stronger; which helped us to settle into life in the big city of Dallas, Texas!

So as I look back on my thirties I see a gal who grew to be a strong, faith driven woman. A woman who learned to not give up in scary and unsettling times. A woman who learned to be independent when her husband was called to war. A woman who had to learn to adapt to new environments and learned one of the most important ingredients to a new place is a church home. A woman who does not give up or settle on a church home either! She turns over every stone until she knows she is in the right place. Most importantly, I see a woman who fights for her marriage and for her family whom she loves desperately and will go to the ends earth fighting for AND I see a woman who is worthy! That is what I see.

Until Next Time,



A Worthy Woman

A Worthy Woman

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,