
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Simple Supper Suggestions #15

Simple Supper Suggestions #15


I am literally sitting in my Dad’s hospital bed right now typing this and the funniest thing just happened….I was singing the Texas A & M fight song, because it is College Football Saturday, and my pops looked annoyed….So I said, “You wish Robin was here right about now, don’t ya?” Robin is my sister for those of you who do not know, and he LITERALLY said, “No. Not necessarily, I just wish you would shut up!?” I about fell out of the bed! But hey! That is a great sign that he is still witty!

So truth be known I have not cooked in about 2 weeks since my father’s fall. Thank God for friends bringing meals and Trey’s ability to cook! They have all saved me and fed my kids which has been glorious and a major weight off my shoulders!!!! But, if this is what life is going to throw at me it is time I adjust so I am going to do a meal plan this week of super easy meals that can be thrown in a crockpot or whipped up super duper fast!

Sunday will still be Spaghetti Sunday as just last night I was at my friend Amy’s house and her sweet daughter Caroline literally said, “I want to come to Spaghetti Sunday!” Yall! Do you know what that did for my ego! First off the fact that a high school girl is reading my blog!!!! Well, that touched me to the core! And second the fact that any high school kid might think my house if fun!!!!! Dude that is huge! So you better believe I will not let that tradition go!


Monday-Blueberry Salmon This meal is so good and perfect for this time in my life because Trey is in charge of the grill! Ha! All I have to do is make sure to make the rice!!! Easy Peasy!

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Tuesday-Crockpot Tacos!!!! You know us! We gotta have tacos on Tuesday and thank God for the crock pot! These tacos are so versatile and everyone loves them!

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Wednesday- Red Beans and Rice Again I need the crock pot with life right now. This recipe is super easy and everyone loves it and it makes for nice left overs!!!!

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Thursday-Halloween! Our street always gets together and this year we are doing a tex mex theme so I will be making my neighbor Amy’s Tortilla Soup! It is so good and so easy and every crowd loves it!

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Friday and Saturday! I am off….Course I feel really guilty because I have pretty much been off since my Dad’s fall on October 11, but I know not to beat myself up too much as this is just a season and one that God is growing me in gracefully!

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What will you be cooking this week? And if you have any crock pot meals could you help a sister out and send them my way?

Until next time,

Bon Appetit!


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