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It's Here! September Book Review!

It's Here! September Book Review!

Never fear! It is here! My September book review! I actually had a few of you message me and ask me if I did not read in September! The truth is I did, but there was a book I wanted to finish before I wrote this and I did!!!! So here we go!

The first book I read was The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. I got the idea to order this book from a gal I respect and follow on Instagram. I am not going to lie….For me personally I got bored after a while with it and it took me FOREVER to finish, hence the late review. Why? Well, I felt like it was kind of long for the message. The message is simple. Do a little bit everyday whether it is in business, exercise, eating right, cleaning out, or just making a plan on improving yourself, and watch the compound effect happen. But, don’t let this review stop you from getting the book. This might be just the book you need to get started and grasp the concept of a little bit of positive everyday for whatever it is will eventually compound into a huge bit of positive. Think of it like a snowball at the top of a mountain. Push that ball down the hill and slowly but surely it builds in size and momentum…..so technically you could apply this positively or negatively! I see a blog post in the making right there people! But back to the book….If you are someone who is interested in personal development and improvement you cannot go wrong with this book and I am happy to have it on my bookshelf to reference when needed.

Next up I chose a little chic lit. I chose Nancy Thayer’s Island Girls. This book honestly is not what I expected but it was great for chic lit. I was expecting a juicy summer love story and this story is not that at all! This story is about three sisters on the island of Nantucket being forced to confront their past! Not what I was thinking and full disclosure I did not read the back of the book, I simply saw the title and thought, “chicks on a beach this should be good!” Well, it was good, but not how I thought! Their father passed away and the twist….they all have a different mom! Ya it was good and juicy, but not with a love story, but with family drama! It was so fun learning each gal’s personality and what made them tick and knowing they had the same dad but different moms….well…one is not biological, but you will just have to read the book to figure that out! It was a great read. Easy to read. Fun to read and if you are like me and love to escape into a good book this is it! The setting is beautiful, the story is fun and exciting with a bit of drama, which makes it so easy to be caught up in the lives of the sisters that Nancy Thayer writes about. Great book! Especially if you are on vacation or have a weekend on the couch to curl up and get lost in it!

This next book will not be for all, but I have to say it was HILARIOUS and insightful if you can get past the crewdness. I would also suggest you get it on Audible as the author is who reads it. You will understand why when I tell you what and who it is, but full disclosure: THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR JUST ANYONE! What is it? It is….I Can’t Make This Up by Kevin Hart. This book was OVER THE TOP in so many ways and sometimes I found myself questioning if I should even admit to my followers I subjected myself to it. But I have always vowed to be honest with you and YES! I subjected myself to it. Bob Foley would be appalled, but I figure what he does not know will not hurt him! Because the truth is I learned a lot from this book. Would I recommend this to anyone and everyone? Um not just no, but HELL NO! I knew this book would be funny because of who wrote it, but I had ZERO clue how profound this book would be. This crass book actually inspired me! If you can get passed the crewd language and imagery this book has tons of life lessons on hard work, persistence, not being a victim, forgiveness, and how no matter what your beginning was or where you are now, your journey, and your story can be great! If YOU want it to be and if YOU believe in YOU! Do I recommend it…..yes, but know it is crass and vulgar but full of inspiration….I swear it is! So you decide for you, but don’t get mad at me if you get it and can’t handle it! Just sayin……

And last up for September was The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni. This book is for sure in my top three books of 2019! This book was AMAZING!!!!! I was laughing, crying, angry, and rejoicing every time I picked it up! So many emotions! I highly recommend this book!!!!! To EVERYONE! I fell in love with sweet Sam with the red. He resonated with me maybe because he was teased so much as a child and my sweet Graeme has been going through this since last year with his weight and build. It hurts as a mama to know your child is being teased when they are away from you and it hurts even more when you find out they are holding it in and not telling you to protect you. Sam and my Graeme both do this. Why? Because they are extraordinary! That is why! This book touched me on so many levels, but it also provided me with so much hope. Hope for Graeme’s future and for any child being teased. This book is extraordinary like Sam and like Graeme and I highly recommend it for everyone and anyone!

So that wraps up my September reads! What have you been reading? I would love to know!

Until next time!



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