
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Seventeen Years Later

Seventeen Years Later

Dear Will,

One year ago…..

One year ago…..

I cannot believe today you turn 17! It feels like just yesterday I was writing to you about turning 16! Where has the time gone? I honestly do not know, but what I do know is it has gone by way too fast! I need it to slow down. This time next year we will be deciding on colleges and that just hurts my heart yet it ignites so much excitement too! Weird how I can have both emotions!

I am so excited to see what the future holds for you because I know it will be bright! Whatever you choose to do I know you will do it well! From an early age we have tried to instill in you a few things and I see the connections happening. It is such an awesome sight to see.

First, we taught you about the number one priority in your life. God. Will, seeing you in your walk with our Lord gives me so much joy. Thank you! Your walk with God gives me something else too! It makes me want to be closer to our Father in Heaven. Thank you for that! Thank you for showing me what it means to serve and to serve with joy. I love your servants heart and I love watching it grow.


Second, we taught you Berry’s Never Quit. I know as of recent this has really hit home for you and son I am so proud of how you are practicing this lesson. I know it is so hard, especially when you are 17 and all you want is to hang out with friends and create your art, but you are showing so much maturity. Will, you are handling situations, not quitting, and keeping your word even when it is not fun, painful, or just a plain pain in the ass! Way to go! I can see you a year from now looking back and being so proud of yourself, being so confident, and being able to say, “Man, I am proud of who I am! I am a man of my word and I am amazing!” Because Will you are amazing!

Lastly, Will your commitment to this family is something my heart is swelling with pride over. It has not been an easy year for us and you have been a rock for me. Thank you. Thank you for being patient, loving, forgiving, kind, compassionate, and open with me. Thank you for believing in me and believing in Dad even when we might have not believed in ourselves. Thank you for being patient and gentle at times when I was not so patient and gentle. Thank you for being forgiving of me when I needed it and for being so compassionate about it. Most of all, thank you for opening up your heart, your fears, your dreams, and yourself with me. That is truly a gift I will hold in my heart forever, even in eternity. Our talks, though hard at times, have really meant the world and seeing the world through your eyes, your heart, and your soul…..well it is just the most beautiful sight to behold.

The world is your palette Will and God has given you so many gifts to use to continue His Kingdom building and I know you will use them wisely. The future is bright Will! Especially because you are in it and you are Worthy!

All My Love,


Hello, World!

looking for something cozy for the teen in your life! Check these babies out!
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