
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Ignorance is Bliss

Ignorance is Bliss

Day 2

Genesis 3:6-22

Have you ever heard the term, “Ignorance is bliss.”? I honestly think that came from Genesis 3:6-7. Eve, LITERALLY, could not help herself and was enticed by Satan saying, “You won’t die. God knows that the moment you eat from this beautiful tree, with its juicy fruit, you will see what is REALLY going on. You will be just LIKE GOD…..(things that should make us go hmmm….but in reality make our pea brains think power), knowing everything, ranging all the way from good to evil.” I don’t know about you, but from where I am sitting….I think sometimes ignorance is bliss. Here is the GOOD NEWS...God redeeming us tracks all the way back into the garden, back in the very beginning of time, God was showing us compassion, mercy, and love. Everything about God’s plan is connected to what happened in this very moment in the garden. The moment Eve made the choice to eat the delicious, juicy, beautiful, plump, rich, red apple….but was it worth it? All that juice, all that beauty, all that plump and juiciness? What did all that juicy beauty bring? It brought about awareness and it brought about the fall. OUCH!

Reflect: Again this human desire for power, more, shiny, bright red, beautiful, rich, juicy things brings us to our knees WHEN it separates us from God. BUT the GOOD NEWS is No matter what the devil entices you with, he is doomed. Did you hear that? He is doomed. Not you. Satan is doomed to defeat, and you, my friend, are redeemed. How? Genesis 3:15~Do you see it? Right there, in the Garden~God announces from the man and woman’s seed, (Jesus) will take away Satan’s authority! FROM THE BEGINNING GOD KNEW AND GOD HAD AND STILL HAS A PLAN TO DESTROY SATAN! GOD HAS YOU MY FRIEND and He is redeeming YOU through His son Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Ask God to come into your heart. There is no better way to get to know God than to sit in silence with Him and ask Him to help you understand our separation from Him because of sin. Let Him into your heart. Let Him know you are ready to reconcile and confess any areas you have turned away or rebelled against Him.

How to Walk it Out: When do we hide? When we are ashamed or embarrassed. We don’t have to hide from God. In Genesis 3:22, God shows us his compassion when he clothed Adam and Eve. God made tunics of animal skin for them so they would not be ashamed. God was not ashamed. Adam and Eve were because they went against the ONE THING God told them not to do and what happened? They became aware that they were naked. It is as if they lost their “covering” and protection from God. But God shows them compassion and covers them in skin from animals and he does the same for me and you. He covers us in the blood of His son. So today, if and when you fall short, repent and know that God is covering you. He is protecting you. Don’t hide from God today. Today run to God. He will protect you.

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