
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!




Getting to know the Living Word 

Have you ever wanted to understand or at least just feel comfortable picking up the bible? I know that is how I use to feel. Not sure if I did not feel worthy enough or smart enough but there was definitely an element of “not enough” for me when it came to the bible. As I have grown in my ministry I am finding I am not alone in the world of “not enough”.

I don’t want that for anyone and I especially don’t want that for you~The sister who is taking the time to learn and grow with me. I have decided to do something for you and I am definitely not “qualified” to do so, but I feel I am “called” to do so.


Qualified-officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job….Well, seeing that I was raised in the Catholic Church in a small west Texas town, smack in the middle of protestant country…let’s just say I am far from qualified.

Called-Cry out in order to summon them or attract their attention….I can say I feel the Holy Spirit is crying out to me to share what I am learning. So am I qualified? No, but I do believe I am called.

What does this mean for you? First and foremost it means I DO NOT have a theological education by any means. I have church on Sundays, Sunday School, mission trips, Bible studies, quiet times, and literal moments where I felt the presence of something, (now I know that was the Holy Spirit) with me. In other words, I have my story, my journey, my ideas, and my thoughts. If that is ok with you, then keep reading, if not, I understand.

What will you gain? My true desire is that you will learn and truly embrace the love of our heavenly Father. A Father who is so compassionate and one of many chances….many! One who knows you inside and out because He created YOU!

The real question is, do you know Him? He wants that! He wants a relationship with you no matter how messy your life has been up until this moment and no matter how messy your life might become after this moment. No mess is too big for your Father to help you through. Will you get to know Him and let Him in? Will you let Him fill you with the gift of the Holy Spirit?

One thing I am 100 percent qualified to say….once you allow the Father to penetrate your life and fill you with His Spirit you will FOREVER be changed! Are you ready for that? If so put on your seatbelt and get ready for the ride of your life!

Day 1-Beginnings and the roadmap for our journey

Genesis, the definition literally means the origin or mode of formation of something. Every morning you and I open our eyes and we begin a Genesis; the beginning of a new day. Every morning the alarm goes off. We literally get a chance to form a beautiful gift. The gift of living our lives in love. A fresh start! Whether it be in a situation of everyday life, such as relationships at home, the office, the way we choose to spend our time, or issues of personal integrity, we get a chance to make a difference in this world. The world is desperate for love and light. What an opportunity! 

As we begin our 365-day journey together always remember this; “Today is an opportunity to love, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may not happen, so today I choose truth over deception, faith over fear, peace over strife, forgiveness over bitterness, patience  instead of forcing something to happen, I choose to hope in Jesus even when it seems impossible, and I choose love.”

I will ask you to read from the Bible daily, nothing too long. Then, ask you to reflect on what we read. I will offer you a prayer and a prompt on how you will apply it. Each day will be tied to a  chapter in the Bible or a verse. It is highly encouraging to read that from your bible, but not necessary. I want this time for you to come to know God on your terms. Take your time. My prayer is at the end of our 365 days you will be changed, you will be moved, and you will be full of the fruits of the spirit. Are you ready for it? I know I am! 




How you will walk it out:

Are you ready? I think you are….if you have made this far that tells me your decision to join me on this journey is a yes, you have your map above, and you have me, and God as your compass. The rest is up to you to take each day as it comes. Read, sit in it, pray in it, and decide how you will walk out this beautiful journey!

May your journey be eye-opening! May angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home!



It Is Good...Now Rest

It Is Good...Now Rest

Mother's Day is coming...How do you feel about that?

Mother's Day is coming...How do you feel about that?