
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

It Is Good...Now Rest

It Is Good...Now Rest


Genesis 1

Literally, the first six days of creation ended with God saying, “And it was good.” EVERY DANG DAY and then He rested. Took a break! Did not think about it because it was good and He was pleased. On the sixth day He actually said after creating humans, “it was very good and He validated it completely.” (Genesis 1:31) I see a theme….It is good, now enjoy it, and relax. Something we are basically told not to do. The lie we are fed is, success is the amount of money in your bank, the size of your home, the car you drive, the trips you take when in all reality is that success? If you are always working and not taking time to enjoy the fruits of your labor what are you even doing? We get caught up in this idea if we are busy, if we are doing something,  then we are successful. Yes God was a busy little bee those first six days, but every night He looked at the fruits of His labor and said, “It is good and rested.” If He had had an iPhone or a computer He would have put it away. He would have relaxed and enjoyed His time. Probably with the Son and the Holy Ghost too.


Reflect: In your desire to possess more and more, have the perfect home, or kids, do you fall into the trap of working, working, working -and never enjoy the fruit….enjoy the now, the home you have, the kids, your spouse, yourself?


Prayer: Ask God to work on your heart. Get to the bottom of why you feel the need to work so hard at whatever it is, your body image, your home life, your job, whatever it is, and ask God to help you learn to relax and enjoy His blessings, His presence, and those around you. Ask Him to help you enjoy the gift of today.


How to Walk it Out: Today decide that you will put the computer and the phone away and spend time with those in your presence. The phone will not be on the table at dinner with friends, or by your side wherever you are. I challenge you to “Lose” the phone for a period of time daily and silence the watch while you are at it. Can you do it?

A Force

A Force