
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

The Birth of Differences

The Birth of Differences

Day 3

Genesis 4: 1-8

Awe! The first true birth of a child from a woman on record. Think about that? Adam came from God and Eve came from a rib! The rib of Adam. Together these two humans became one, and from them we have the birth of Cain followed by the birth of his baby brother Abel. It did not take long for Satan to sink his pitchfork in these two brothers and Satan began his birthing of sibling rivalry, jealousy, different personalities,  different gifts, different interests,  different beliefs, and  different feelings. Satan was literally crouching at the door of these two brothers waiting to pounce and boy did he. He pounced so hard into the mind of Cain that he actually took the life of his brother, Abel, out of jealousy and resentment. Death…all over an offering to God. Genesis 4:5 states God had no respect for the offering Cain brought, but did he really not respect Cain's offering? I don’t know, however, the bible clearly says that God had no respect. There are a number of reasons that come to my mind:

1. It could be it was fruit...what happened in the fall? Adam and Eve ate the fruit, but I would argue you still have to till the ground and that was Cain’s job, so I really don’t think it was because it was fruit. 

2.  Could it be that fruit is not a blood sacrifice?  All throughout the old testament you will see blood sacrifices from animals.

3. The wording in Genesis 4:3 suggests that Cain might have dropped the ball if you will...It states, “And in the course of time.” This suggests that once he saw Abel had brought his sacrifice he ran and grabbed some fruit, not really putting much thought or prayer into it. And last but not least...

4. Abel's sacrifice was that of a lamb and not just any lamb, the firstborn. Think about that. It was the blood sacrifice of an animal, it was a lamb, and not just any lamb, the firstborn. What does this remind you of?

Reflect:  Sometimes, we as humans have a hard time when people are different than us don’t we? Differences make it hard to relate at times. When there are differences do you find yourself in the trap of comparison? Jealousy? Is it hard to connect with someone different than you?  How do you respond to those who are close to you, yet different from you? Whether those differences are personalities, thoughts, beliefs, gifts, or pursuits, does it affect your response? 

Prayer: Today ask God to help you when you are tempted to resent, compare, or dislike those who are different from you. Ask God into your heart so you can see them the way He does. Ask Him to help you understand them and love them as He does.

How to walk it out: Daily, ask the Holy Spirit to be your eyes so you can see what you need to see. Your ears so you can hear what you need to hear and truly listen to understand.  Ask the Holy Spirit to speak through you so you speak in love, and lastly to open your heart to all who are different.

Almond JOY Mocktail/Cocktail

Almond JOY Mocktail/Cocktail

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