
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

19 Years Ago Today

19 Years Ago Today

Dear Will,

Holy Cow! 19 years ago today I became a mom. Not just any mom….your mom! What a gift you are, even to this day, to your father and me. 19 years ago today you came into this world. 19 years ago today you breathed your first breath, made your first sound, and 19 years ago today I held you in my arms and called you son.

This is the first year you are not here with me on your birthday. Will, I have some questions for you….and this is a test…a test to see if you even read this and a test for me……(Ok that just made me laugh! But I need you to answer these questions.)

  1. Have I been a good mom?

  2. Do I make you proud?

  3. Do you believe in me?

Will you have been an incredible son! You ARE a leader! You never disappoint….yes, we have had challenges and yes, I have questioned some of your decisions, or behaviors, but I know who you are at your core. At your core, you are a good person. You have a heart for Christ. You have values. You have a hard work ethic. You are a leader and you are my firstborn. Do you make me proud? Oh, my stars….over the moon proud! Goo goo proud! Will Berry, I am so proud that you are who you are and the thing I am most proud about it is that YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! That, my son, is half the battle! Never lose that! Do I believe in you? Will Berry, I believe in YOU! I believe you can and will be whatever you choose! I know you will choose wisely! I know it! But one thing I want to say is….make your choice with your heart….not with what you think will make you the most money! YOU BE YOU AND DO YOU! Go for what you are passionate about Will and the rest will fall into place. LOOK UP to God….ask Him for guidance. He created you and He has a purpose for you. Follow His lead my son and you will be blessed abundantly! I promise you that!

Happy Birthday, My Boy!

I love YOU so!



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