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January Book Review

January Book Review

It has been a while since I did a book review. A LONG WHILE! Four months to be exact! Life kind of got a hold of me and that is ok! It was a quick season of little to no reading, but I am back and I am better than ever babe! Ha! I use to say that all the time! Feels good when you need to give yourself a little pep talk! You should try it sometime.

When I picked up my first book in January, I actually had already read it twice. Yep twice. I was advised to read this particular book seven times. Repetition is king I am being told and I have to say I believe it. Every time I read this book I learn more. The book is short, but I would not call it simple. That is if you are really paying attention. I am sure it is a quick read if you are just powering through, but if you really want the power from it I suggest digging in. I am digging in and I will continue to dig in! I am so on fire about this book that I want you all to consider it too. And not just consider it, I want you to get it and join me on my journey of reading it 7 times! That is how much I believe in it! The book is, The Psychology of Winning by Dr. Denis Waitley. Want to talk about life changing! This book is. Funny thing is it is an old book. 1979 to be EXACT! So an old one that has stuck around which should tell you something. It is full of knowledge. Knowledge that can help anyone who is in the market of attaining a “Winner’s Attitude” not only attain it, but fly with it. Who doesn’t want that? So if you find yourself in a rut, if you find yourself in a season of change, if you find yourself wanting more, than this book is for you! And I will tell you just like I told everyone I gave this book to for Christmas, read it 7 times! Let it sink in and watch your world change before your eyes. Watch your world become full of win-win possibilities!

Next, I read a book that was given to me at Christmas by my dear friend Lyndsy, aka Blizzard, who knows my fascination and honestly my admiration for the Bush Family. Sisters First, by Jenna Bush Hager, Barbara Pierce Bush and Laura Bush. I have to say after reading this book, I understand a little more about this amazing family. They are a family full of love and full of respect! The respect they give each other is something we can all learn from especially in this time of division. I am serious! I am in awe of how these girls were raised! In my opinion they were raised by three simple principles that fell under the umbrella of love: safety first, respect, then let go. They always knew they were loved. Their parents made sure as best they could they were safe. They all had respect for each others opinions, even if the opinion was against your father who was the President of the United States, and Mr. and Mrs. Bush knew when it was time to let go and let live even if it meant making mistakes. They would turn those mistakes into beautiful teaching and growing experiences. I am telling you, if the first family interests you at all this book is amazing. If you are a parent, believe it or not there are lessons in here we can all use as parents, and if you are a history buff there are amazing snip its of history. I highly suggest this book for anyone and everyone! Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Red, Blue, whatever and whoever you are, you might be surprised how there is someone in the first family who thinks like you do! True story people, just because your dad is president doesn’t mean there is a pill they give you and you automatically believe like him AND believe it or not he is WAY OK with that! Great book!

My next review don’t let the title turn you off. One Day in December, by Josie Silver. Yes we are in February and the title speaks of Christmas, but this book is so NOT CHRISTMAS! It’s a love story. A love story that takes 10 years to unfold, which I kind of like as Trey and I took almost that long! The story takes place in London and kind of has a Bridget Jones Diary feel. If you love Bridget Jones like I do, then you will love this tale. The main gal is a bit quirky like Bridget Jones and funny as all get out. Honestly, I find the humor of most Europeans quick and witty so I really found myself laughing with all the characters. If you are looking for a love story this February this is just the tale for you. The ending was quite abrupt I will say, but overall the book was such a delightful, fun read. One that is sure to keep you laughing and smiling and over all feeling good.

My last book for this month was interesting and honestly I found myself writing down a lot of things to think about which kind of struck me as it is a non fiction book. It has a strange premise and in the beginning I found myself working to figure it out mentally, but I did not want to put it down. The book is The Dinner List, by Rebecca Serle. I can honestly say Ms. Serle has my mind ticking. I have put extreme thought into my dinner list and I will tell y’all one person on it is Barbara Bush! Yes, you get to invite ANYONE according to this book! You know the drill, “If you could invite anyone to dinner, dead or alive, who would it be?” That is THIS book! But what was hard for me at first was the book opens at dinner with the main characters “GUEST” and the next chapter was present day. So it took my ADD brain a minute to catch on, but once I did I was hooked and honestly, in the past if I had to work this hard I would just put the book down. Not this one! It is so good. This book will have you thinking and not just thinking about the book, but about your own “list” and why or how you would pick each individual. You might pick one individual who is dead and then realize as the story unfolds you might want to pick a person who is alive so they can see each other. For example, my sweet Mom, there is so much I would love to say to her now and she is gone, but if I picked her I would have to pick my father who is very much alive because I would want them to see each other one more time! Honestly this is a bad example because my dad is so wise of course I would want him there, but you get the picture! This book stirs you and really has you on your toes. I have to say this book is amazing and it is written so brilliantly I want to scream, “CLICK THE LINK AND GET THE BOOK!” That good y’all! That good!

That wraps up my January book review and I have to say I honestly hit a home run on all of them! February has a lot to live up too! Not kidding!

Until Next Time…..



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