
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Gratefulness Even in the Storm

Gratefulness Even in the Storm

Most of you know by now The Berry house is in the midst of a storm. It has been a while since I have blogged, but it does not mean I am giving up. For now it just means that as of late my energy is being spent taking care of my kids and myself first. #priorities 

My number one priority right here!

My number one priority right here!

The one post I was able to crank out talked a little bit about our storm and how honestly even though this storm is Ugly, Fierce, Big, and STILL thundering down on us, I am able to find gratitude. You guys I cannot tell you how much just changing my perspective and  looking for something to be grateful for each day has helped me in the midst of this hurricane. Truly!  

There are days where I feel like I am being kicked when I am down, there are days that start off feeling “quasi normal” and then I get slugged, and there are days where everything is “not too bad” all things considered.  -Every one of those days though I have found something to be grateful for. Even the bloodiest of days! 


I can’t begin to tell you how this little change has been so good for my soul and for my family’s livelihood. I am learning a lot about myself and my kids resiliency, but I am learning a HUGE THING.....gratefulness even in the storm. 

I know there are people out there fighting through their own storms right now.  I also know that EVERYONES storm, no matter what that storm looks like, is big to YOUR heart and YOUR family. I know this. PAIN IS REAL. If there is one thing that I can offer you today besides a virtual hug it is find something-ANYTHING-to be grateful for today, then tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.

Trust me when I say I understand if you can’t and I understand if you don’t believe me when I say this helps. I did not believe myself when I started this. I actually started with little notes in my journals of what I was thankful for. It started out like this, “Today I am grateful my kids got fed and to school.” The next day it looked like, “Today I am grateful the kids got fed, to school, and I moved from my bed to the leather chair downstairs.” NOT KIDDING! One time it read, “I am grateful Graeme got something other than Captain Crunch Donuts Cereal today to eat!” I will digress for a moment and say that cereal is the bomb.com!

Slowly my gratitudes turned into something more meaningful. Just this weekend I wrote, “Today I am grateful of my new mindset and I am grateful for Will and his friends and their imaginations.” You see, Will came to me asking if he could change our Backhouse into an art studio. Folks, let me tell you the old Amy would of said, “UM not just no, but Heck NO! That Backhouse is for guests and I want it cute!” What the What! With my new mindset I am learning what is important. Right now in our Storm it is important for Will to have something that is his. Not the entire Backhouse. I am making him keep the bed and TV up their for guests, but he has a dream and a vision and the space is only used for guests, so why not? No it might not be cute and quaint! But let me tell you what I saw unfold. Will and about 7 of his friends started building furniture, discussing what they could do with the space for their dreams and desires, THEY PUT DOWN THEIR DEVICES, and they worked together! Like good old fashion work and they are proud! It was amazing! Something that I assure would have not of happened before my storm because I would have blocked it with my worldly thoughts.

So yes, this storm is powerful! It is powerful in more ways than destruction. It is powerful in that it is bringing in a tide and the tide is rising and so is my family! No, I am not sure what the outcome will be, but I trust in God and I know He is faithful and I am still hoping for my double rainbow!

The Tide will Rise…the boats will rise with the tide…..my family will rise!

The Tide will Rise…the boats will rise with the tide…..my family will rise!

So I want to challenge all my readers who are in the midst of their own storm-start writing down one thing each night you are grateful for, EVEN if it is you brushed your teeth, write it down, keep doing it nightly, and watch what happens! I dare you!



Need an idea for a journal here is one! Try it! Tell her Worthy Heart sent you! XO

How we Met

How we Met

Hurricanes, Rainbows, and Hope

Hurricanes, Rainbows, and Hope