
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

You Look Soft....

You Look Soft....

I remember my first Christmas home after I went to college. I walked through the door and my mother literally said, “You are HOME!!!!……” Silence…….then quietly and gently she said, “You look soft!” I remember thinking, “Nice Mom….Nice.” But, the sad fact is that it was true. I had not only put on the freshman 15 I put on an extra 10! No lie! I lived in the football dorm at The University of North Texas and they had yeast rolls that would knock your socks off! EVERYDAY!!!!! And yep I ate them EVERYDAY! And I may or may not have discovered beer. Happens and it is a right of passage a lot of us go through. I like to think it made me who I am today! “Silver Lining”!

Now you all know I have naturally curly hair, my hair is not naturally blonde, and I have some amazing KKG sisters!!!!!! And there is the beautiful freshman 25 I found!!!!!

Now you all know I have naturally curly hair, my hair is not naturally blonde, and I have some amazing KKG sisters!!!!!! And there is the beautiful freshman 25 I found!!!!!

However, this time of year I still tend to get “soft” as my mother so eloquently put it all those years ago. When I look at why, I see where it is very easy to do.

Did you know the average american puts on an estimated 5-15 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year’s!

That is a lot of weight especially if you are over the age of 35 and your metabolism has decided to slow its roll! (There is that delicious word again! lol!) It is so easy to do! Why?

Well, let’s look at it:

  1. It is colder out so we make warm and cozy meals.

  2. We induce undue stress because of having to have the house perfect, the perfect gift, the perfect place settings, and just showing off for family to make your life look perfect. Truth is we should just enjoy each other and be grateful we have another year together, but nope something about family raises that cortisol level and boom that raises that poundage level on the scales!

  3. We wear bigger, bulkier, softies as I like to put it….aka sweats and sweaters! I love my softies anyone will tell you!!!!

  4. There is traditionally a lot more alcohol due to many parties and “reasons to celebrate”!

  5. Gingerbread homes, sugar cookies, pumpkin pie, candy canes, hot chocolate, whipped cream, gum drops galore, and so much more goodness….did I mention yeast rolls? Or my mom’s homemade monkey bread!? YUM!

  6. Exhaustion due to all the celebrations sometimes lowers our immune systems and makes us lethargic which in turn slows down our workouts. Literally happening to me now as I right this I am on the couch sick as a dog with an upper respiratory infection/sinus infection.

  7. Over scheduling slows down our workouts because we are so frazzled and make up every excuse as to why it is ok if we miss, “JUST THIS ONCE!”

  8. Being cold outside and bad weather slows down our workouts, especially if you are a runner, unless of course you are a total you know what! Bad Arse!

  9. You see the theme….”slows down our workouts” eventually turns into I will start New Year’s day and then New Year’s day comes and you go to the gym and there is no parking or if you are lucky enough to get parking you can’t get on your equipment or find a space in your class because the entire city is at that gym. Murphy’s law!

  10. And last but not least if you are like me you are a Hallmark movie Junkie and you cry your eyes out to the point of looking like a swollen fish so you hide under the covers and say, “Just one more!” Those darn movies are so addicting!!!!!! Maybe more so than social media! True story for this girl! I have watched two today! But, hey I am sick! Throw the girl a bone!

Now that is just 10 reasons that I could come up with, but I am sure there are plenty more! Point is we get “soft!” So what will you do to combat it? I am a big fan of making a plan now and getting in the habit of it! I will share with you my plan and maybe you can tweak it to serve you.

The most important thing for me to stay on track is to stay consistent with my early morning ritual! Don’t know what that is, click here to get a sneak peak. When I do this, I tend to stay on track with everything. Today, even while I was sick, I did get up and do my morning ritual and look at me now…..I am writing…..Yes I feel like dog doo doo, but I am in it to win it!!!!!

Next I take my Revitalu everyday! What is that you ask? Well it is a health product that I sell and I 100 percent believe in! It has done so much for me since I started taking it in April. It gives me energy, improves my mental focus, suppresses my appetite, and elevates my mood. I am telling you it is magical! Want to know more about it shoot me a message on insta, facebook, or email me at amy@worthyheart.com and I have samples I can send you to try before you buy! Which I love that entire concept! I hate it when amazing healthcare products that you can only get through influencers require you to buy before you try and I really hate when they make you have a monthly contract! Guess what! With me you do not! So WINNING!!!!! I will tell you though, part of the reason I am able to function to write is because of my product! I promise you that!


And last but not least I write my schedule out each week of when I will work out and where. Now full disclosure. I do get paid to workout as I teach dance fitness, but on days I am not teaching I do have my workout on the schedule! It is the only way it will happen. I normally only work out 4-5 days a week, but with the holiday stress and poundage factor I up it to 5-6 days a week. And the one or two days I do not workout I make sure to take a leisurely stroll and stretch. I swear by stretching! If you want to know more about my dance classes or where I go to stretch, same thing as above….send me a message, give me an email, or an SOS will work too! I promise to get back to you and answer any questions!

Come dance with me! I promise you will burn a min. of 300 calories! Min! I usually burn 500-680! No lie!!!!!!

Come dance with me! I promise you will burn a min. of 300 calories! Min! I usually burn 500-680! No lie!!!!!!

So that in a nutshell is how Amy Berry will tackle the challenge of not being a statistic! Do you want to take up the challenge with me? If so let’s hold each other accountable! Again, give me a shout out and we can do this!!!! After all when you do something together it is more fun and a lot easier to accomplish the challenge! So who’s in?

Until Next Time,



Simple Supper Suggestions #17

Simple Supper Suggestions #17

Why Veterans Day is Hard for Me as a Veterans Wife

Why Veterans Day is Hard for Me as a Veterans Wife