
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Why Veterans Day is Hard for Me as a Veterans Wife

Why Veterans Day is Hard for Me as a Veterans Wife

Today brings a lot of mixed emotions for me. It is Veterans day. A day that we as Americans honor and thank all military personnel who served our wonderful country. The key word is served. Why does this bring me mixed emotions? Well, my husband served 20 years in the Navy and up until this year he struggled with it. Why? I am not sure because I am not him, but I will tell you what I think.

He was in a plane crash in May of 2000 while practicing night time carrier landings. There was a bird strike, long story short, and he and two of his buddies went down in the middle of the night in a pitch black sky. They all three survived, but the ramifications from the crash were pretty huge starting with a broken back. Would you believe that he and his friends were back in the cockpit doing REAL night time landings on the ship by October. True story! Talk about brave and they were overseas in less than a year fighting for our freedom. Again very courageous and brave.

This picture does it no justice

This picture does it no justice

What was I doing? Well, I beat myself up daily now because I was Suzy happy homemaker making a home and in such bliss of being engaged and newly married that I never even stopped to think of the mental ramifications this might have caused. I mean when you get a call in the middle of the night that there has been an incident but your fiance is alive, well, you are just relieved and when they discharge him from the hospital hours after the crash, well, one tends to think no big deal right? Wrong! It was a freaking plane crash! It was a hunk of metal that dropped from the sky, split in half, and caught fire! VERY TRAUMATIC, but you would never have known with how I was responding or how Trey was responding. Never! Because we kept on keeping on.

The investigation begins…..18 months later Trey and his co pilot were cleared. That was a long 18 months……and they flew in a war while waiting to know…..for our freedom…….away from their families….

The investigation begins…..18 months later Trey and his co pilot were cleared. That was a long 18 months……and they flew in a war while waiting to know…..for our freedom…….away from their families….

How many people will survive a plane crash in their life? A very small percentage and very few that can say they were at the controls when it happened and everyone survived because of his and their co pilots ability to compartmentalize and work together to save themselves and all the civilians below them.

It has been over 19 years since that fateful night. 19 years of much joy, but there has been a lot of pain. Physical and mental. And I can honestly say this year is my first year to admit I am angry. Angry with how the military was not their for my husband and his friends during that time. Now, I need to clarify. Trey’s squadron was AMAZING. His CO and XO were outstanding! But the Navy overall during that time, not so much. Sure they crossed their i’s and dotted their t’s, but I blame them for so much pain my husband has endured over these past 19 years which in turn my family has also endured. We are strong and lucky for my husband I am not a quitter, but I know there are plenty of other military families that have split due to the trauma of something they experienced while fighting for this country. And all they get is a parade on November 11 or a celebration. I am really not sure what I expect either, but I do know our military needs to do better when it comes to trauma. They need to do better when it comes to Vets and I feel like I can say this because I witness it under my own roof. Am I asking for a handout? No. Hell, I am not even sure what this is about other than it is one step in the right direction of healing for me, for Trey, and for our beautiful family.

Our family is strong and our family fights for each other. Could not be more proud of us!

Our family is strong and our family fights for each other. Could not be more proud of us!

Point is, when you have suffered from something so traumatic and you don’t get the help you need, mentally the mind will remember. The body will remember. And those around you can and will suffer. And all for what? For your freedom and for my freedom. I should be thankful, but this year I am struggling. Why? Well, that I know but not ready to go there….So instead I want to tell you why I think Trey has struggled up until now with Veterans day and why I am sad and angry and for no reason other than I need to get it off my chest. So here it goes:

The civilian world is not anything like the military. We do not have the motto “No man left behind.” We have the motto, get dirt on him, stomp on her, do whatever it takes to get to the top. That is the real world. That is not how it works in the military. So when you come from a band of brothers and you are thrown into a den of lions, well, it is hard. It is hard on the veteran and it is hard on their families. REAL HARD! And throw trauma of any sort on it…..well…..that can get real messy. What do we do about it? That I am not sure of, but if you know me, you know that me just writing about it means I am thinking about it. I am thinking about it so much that I am writing about it and maybe someday I can help do something about it. That is all.

So for now I have a favor. Today, when you see a veteran, sincerely thank them. Thank their family too…. because a lot of them have had some kind of trauma they endured for your freedom and they and their family have sacrificed. Whether it was time with their family, not seeing their child be born, not seeing their child take their first steps, not being there when their family member was dying, not being there when their parent died, going into a war, surviving a plane crash, being shot, seeing their best friend shot down in the plane next to them, and the list goes on not to mention all they have endured mentally just getting out of the military….I assure you they have sacrificed. More than we will ever know. Trust me I know, because I live with a vet and cannot fathom it…..So if you could take a moment today and say a prayer for all our vets and current military and their family’s that would mean the world to me and my family. Maybe it will start my healing process too……

Until Next Time.



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