
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Where Were You?

Where Were You?

Where were you two years ago today? Think back...

Probably at home...

I know where we were.

March 23, 2020 Dallas, Texas was ordered to stay at home, so there we were. At home. Just the 5 of us. And life was....

Well....life was good if I am being honest. Of course when I think back to that time I have mixed emotions.


The fear for starters. I remember being so scared of the unknown. So scared of touching things and breathing around people, but I also remember truly enjoying our time at home as a family of 5. The boys were forced (for lack of a better way to put it) to stay with us. We had great talks. Long walks. Played games. And life slowed down.

Lots of porch talks with this one….and they were so good for my soul….

Sure homeschooling absolutely sucked! So much so that I put in my two weeks notice! No lie!

I have a new found respect for our teachers!

While homeschooling was not simple and God willing I will NEVER have to do it again, I remember loving the slow down and the simple things, but I also remember missing simple things I took for granted....toilet paper, going to a restaurant, going to see a friend or have my dad over, shaking hands with someone you meet for the first time, seeing a smile.

The day my sister surprised me and brought dad to our porch so I could see him….my heart was so full…..

But…as time went on….

I settled in nicely and I really enjoyed the quiet pause. So much so I remember vowing to not go back to the way it was pre pandemic and that I would be grateful when the simple things of life came back.

You can’t tell in this photo, but we were grooming the pooches and poor Zoe was a hacked up mess….bahahah…good times for sure!

And here we are 2 years later.....

Life is becoming more normal and my question is have you allowed your life to go back to how it was pre pandemic? Fast paced, hustled, not noticing smiles, taking for granted being able to sit down at a restaurant with a family member or friend? Have you lost the gratitude of being able to get four rolls of toilet paper and not have to worry if more will be there next week? Have you gone back to letting your priorities of family and friendship slip because of ONE MORE THING YOU MUST GET DONE OR THE WORLD WILL STOP SPINNING?! Have you lost the awareness of how sweet life is when it is simple and slow?

Do you want to stay in the sweet and simple?

If the answer is yes, are you maintaining the slow with gratitude or have you slipped back?

If you have slipped back…..

What do you need or need to do to stay grateful for the simple things and to stay present in the still? A pandemic? Think about that? I for one say, “Hard pass on that!”

So let me ask you…..

Are you still going to see your mom or dad because you can or are you too busy and you will go tomorrow? News flash…tomorrow always becomes today.

Brothers…making time for family

Are you dropping off the kids in a mad and angry rush when two years ago you would have given ANYTHING to drop them off and not homeschool!

Where were you two years ago today? And Where are you today?

Let’s all remember the simple things and be grateful for them. EVERYDAY be grateful for the slow and simple things of life. How?

Slow down.

Get quiet.

The world will keep spinning I promise….

I want to challenge you….I want to challenge you to remember what you loved in the slow. Remember how you felt. And try to go back to a simpler way of life. You will be better for it and so will those who matter most to you.

When life slows down it is a lot easier to listen to those who matter most and really get to know them and what lights them up! It is pretty cool actually!

So are you in on the slow or are you out?

Until Next Time,



aka Worthy

Need help in the slow down….order my GOOD LIFE journal and remember who you are and whose you are. Take time with God, Yourself, pray for others, and watch the Holy Spirit move you!

Still You

Still You

Where Is Your Happy Place?

Where Is Your Happy Place?