
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Simple Supper Suggestions #17

Simple Supper Suggestions #17

Well it has been brought to my attention some of you really like this…..I honestly did not think so, but I guess you do! So I will keep on keeping on. Truth is I thought it might be getting boring, but I am being told no. And the other truth is I have tons of recipes to add, but I don’t have pictures and you guys seem to think that is o.k. The REAL TRUTH is my pictures are not that great anyways so I don’t know why I worry! So I shall start adding recipes even without pictures and if you ever get a great photo of any of my recipes I would love for you to share it and I will TOTALLY give you all the credit!

So this week will be a short week because of Thanksgiving. I don’t ever make the turkey which is a real win, but I do make sides. This week I really only have to cook a meal for my family Sunday-Tuesday night so I will send you my sides and a couple of meals and we can reconvene next week! Sound like a plan?

Of course Sunday we will start with Spaghetti Sunday and I am sure my family is very excited as I have been so sick that we have not had it in a couple of weeks.

As the cook you should always test the sauce!

As the cook you should always test the sauce!

Monday I think we will be EXTREMELY healthy and have salmon! This recipe is amazing, my friend Elizabeth gave it to me about a year ago and I dream about it all the time!!!!!

My mouth is watering looking at this photo!

My mouth is watering looking at this photo!

Tuesday is always some sort of Taco in this family! But this week we will make a twist on it and have Ju Ju’s Taco soup! It is delish and if you double it you have enough for all the family that is in town to nibble on over the weekend when they are tired of the old bird!!!!!

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So I am always known for my sides during the holidays and here are some of my specialties that are always requested! Try them! You won’t be sorry!!!!!

Simple Supper Suggestions (27).jpg

So that in a nutshell is this week! Tell me what you are eating! Send me recipes! I will share! And do you have any family favorites at the holidays I should introduce into my family? Would love too!!!!!!

Until Next Time!



Thank You For The Storm

Thank You For The Storm

You Look Soft....

You Look Soft....