
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Are You Seeking Him in the Stillness

Are You Seeking Him in the Stillness

Last week I broke down my word for 2020 with you all. If you missed that you can catch that here. The word for 2020 is actually two words, Surrender and Obey. Something I firmly believe God is trying to teach all of us in this unknown time. But, in order to Surrender and Obey Him we have to know Him. Do you know Him? I know who God is, but do I really know Him?

I have been digging deeper and truly seeking Him out. Something I can say I personally think is missing in this world today. We are all so busy and self absorbed that we really don’t have time to seek God and get to know Him. Before Covid, when was the last time you tried to have a REAL relationship with God. Not a, I know who God is relationship, but a I KNOW WHO GOD is relationship.

For me personally it was in 2016 when my Mom was dying, but if I am being honest, before then it was kind of on my own terms or when I felt like it. That is just me being honest. If I am being TRULY honest, the hard truth is that I just relied on the fact that I knew who God was and I got my check in the box every Sunday when I so triumphantly got my family to church. Like I should get a pat on the back or something because I was so good.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful that I was getting my rear end to church because those seeds were being planted, but I had yet to bring the water to the seed if you know what I mean. It took me losing my mom for me to really hit my knees and cry out. I am a little hard headed and very self absorbed….or at least I was.

Hard times will make you look inward and in the mirror. I did not like what I was seeing. I did not like the rat race I was in of constantly trying to fit in, keep up, perform, look good, and oh the family too…..they had to look good, fit in, perform, and keep up. If all that happened then it would be serendipity and everything would be hunky dory fine! WRONG! I was miserable. Truly miserable, unless of course I was 3 glasses of wine in and losey goosey! But as my Dad always said, “lose lips sink ships.” And he was right!

Looking back I realize now why life was so hard and exhausting. Because God was missing. I mean He was there. He always has been, I just was not desperately looking for Him.

What does it mean to really seek Him? I think it is kind of like this memory I have of when I was a kid. My parents took Paul and I to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus in Dallas. It was intermission and my father took Paul and I to get a souvenir. I knew EXACTLY what I wanted. I wanted the stuffed elephant so we got mine first then we went on a mission looking for Paul a light up something or other. I remember I was petting my little elephant and I looked up and all I could see was people and not just people but STRANGERS! STRANGER DANGER! I did not see my dad anywhere! I remember freaking out and screaming and the next thing I knew I was up in a police officers arms and I was shaking and sobbing. He helped me find my Dad, but I remember I was desperately looking through all the people. All my energy and strength went into finding him. When we did finally find him, I remember the peace that overcame me. I felt so safe and so secure and I had never been so happy to see him. It was in that moment that I first realized my father would always be there for me. A safe place, a loving place, a place where I could gain wisdom and strength. That is what God is for all of us and that is what God wants from us now. He wants us desperately seeking Him out in the crowds and business of the world and the circus it has become.

We are all in the perfect time and space to get to know God more and ourselves to be truly honest. I believe it could be a gift from our heavenly Father. The gift of time. The gift of intermission from the circus. The souvenir is to be still and get to know Him. It is in this stillness that you will find unexplainable peace, unexplainable rest, and unexplainable strength. How do I know this? Because I have been living under His wings since 2018 in some pretty scary times and the strength, peace, and love I have received is something I will never be able to explain other than it has come from God Himself. You have heard the saying, “The peace that passes understanding,” that is the peace I have, but I have it because I seek him daily. And trust me when I say this, the days I do not get my quiet time in, they sometimes can be a little rockier. True story.

So during these times I want to challenge you to get up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do, take some time with our Father in heaven. Get to know Him. Talk to Him. He loves that. I know He does. If you need help I have some books that have helped me along the way and if you want a tribe you can join my Solo group. Message me, but honestly, just spending the first 15 minutes of your day with God talking to Him will produce miracles. Don’t believe me? I dare you to try it for 30 days. Do you accept the dare?

Until Next Time,



Choo Choo! It's All About YOU!

Choo Choo! It's All About YOU!

Irene's Banana Pudding

Irene's Banana Pudding