
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Simple Supper Suggestions #11

Simple Supper Suggestions #11

Ok it is September 15th and it is still hotter than you know what and I am dying to have soup, but I just can’t bring myself to make soup in this heat! Man how I miss it!!!! Not only is it easy to make and serve, but it is easy to double and have all week for lunch. That is just not going to happen yet! Ahhhh well…..such is life in Texas!

So what is for dinner at our house this week? Well for starters Spaghetti Sunday! You know the drill if you have been around for a while and if not, and if you stick around, you will find the Berry’s have a ritual every Sunday. Maybe you and your family will enjoy it too!

I never know who or how many will show, but everytime my heart is filled with love.

I never know who or how many will show, but everytime my heart is filled with love.

Monday we will be having JP’s favorite meal Turkey Squash. This dish is super unique and super easy and as odd as it sounds EVERYONE loves it.

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Tuesday will be Crock Pot Taco Tuesday of course! The Berry’s love their tacos and this recipe is super simple on nights that we have activities like Tuesday night.

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Wednesday I will be tied up at the school so I will make Mrs. Andrea’s Kings Ranch Chicken and everyone will get fed and everyone will be happy! I can make this before I leave to teach dance, refrigerate it until I am ready to cook it, then throw it in the oven and everyone is happy!


Thursday will be Sheet Pan Cashew Chicken. This recipe is simple, quick, easy to clean up, and oh so good!!!! Try it!

What will your family be eating this week? I would love to know!

Until Next Week!

Bon Appetit!


Stop Vaping is What the CDC says....but it is simply not that easy!

Stop Vaping is What the CDC says....but it is simply not that easy!

Sheet Pan Cashew Chicken

Sheet Pan Cashew Chicken