
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Blueberry Salmon

Blueberry Salmon

Have you ever eaten something that tasted so good you could not stop thinking about it?  This usually only happens to me when I go out to eat, because let's face it, food is much better when someone else prepares it!  True or False?  I say True! 

My girlfriend Elizabeth, from Organized by Elizabeth was over helping me clean out and she rattled off this dish and I thought, "Wow, that sounds interesting and easy!  I am going to try it!"  I did- that night and I am telling you guys I cannot stop dreaming about it!  To top it all off, it is so easy that I promise it will become a regular in your home and in mine!  

I am going to title it Blueberry Salmon because I really don't know what it is called.  I just know it is so finger licking good!  


Salmon (I got a pound of the Verlasso Salmon from Central Market behind the fish counter)

Lemon to flavor your salmon

Olive oil for your salmon

Sea Salt and Pepper to taste for your salmon

Mixed greens (I just got a bag from Central Market in the produce section)


Avocado (I got 4 for our family because we love our Avocado!)

Pecan Pieces

feta Cheese


I had Trey season the salmon with olive oil, sea salt, and pepper, and sprinkle it with fresh lemon juice from a lemon and then he grilled it.

While he was grilling I cut up the avocado.

Plated each plate with some greens and had the blueberries washed in a bowl.

When the salmon was done I placed however much each person wanted on top of their greens and let everyone sprinkle their own blueberries, avocado, feta and pecans and that was it!  So simple, so filling, and soooooooooo delish!  You really should try it! 

I had some rice on the side for my boys and two of the three ate rice with it, but honestly this is a meal in itself, unless you are like me raising three growing boys!  They always need a little something extra!  

This dish is so easy, so good for you, and so yummy that EVERYONE should put it on your menu for this week!  I promise you will be thanking me!  

Bon Apetit!



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