
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Simple Supper Suggestions #19

Simple Supper Suggestions #19

I cannot believe Christmas is less than 17 days away! Crazy!!!!! With all the parties and hustle and bustle the last thing I want to think about is cooking and I am sure it is the same for you or at least most of you. So for the next couple of weeks I can assure you the meals will be quick and easy because it is about to get busy up in here!!!!!

Sunday we will be doing our usual Spaghetti Sunday which is so easy, especially if you get into the habit of doing it every week. You can darn near do it in your sleep!!!!!

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Monday is my oldest son, Will’s, 18th birthday. He has asked to go out to eat and for Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcakes! So I am off the clock!!! Probably a good thing as I will be an emotional mess thinking about the fact that my first born is 18 already!!!!!

My beautiful boy!!!!!

My beautiful boy!!!!!

Tuesday I have a Christmas Party with my Dallas Country Club Students so I will be making Tacos via the crock pot which is always a life saver!

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Wednesday Trey and I have a Christmas Dinner with some friends so I will be making Miss Andrea’s Kings Ranch Chicken for the kids! So easy and such a crowd pleaser!


Thursday is JP’s Holiday Concert so again I need it to be super easy so we will be having Red Beans and Rice for the hectic life! I think I will double it so we can munch on it all weekend as well!

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That in a nutshell is what we will be eating this week! What will you be having?

Until Next Time!



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