
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Is it Odd or is it God?

Is it Odd or is it God?

Have you ever wondered, “Is it odd or is it God?” A very wise soul said this to me about four years ago when the Berry Storm hit and it has stuck with me ever since. “Is it odd or is it God?”……sit on that for a moment.

There have been so many beautiful things that have come out of our storm that hit a little over four years ago September 27, 2018. A day I will never forget. The day my life seemed to be going up in smoke, but changed for the better. 

Our marriage survived for starters and not only did it survive, it is thriving. Our children are doing well for the most part. I have found peace and serenity. A peace and serenity I can honestly say I have never felt before.

Have you ever had a time like this? A tumultuous, scary time in your life when you had no clue what the outcome would be only to find peace. Funny thing is, we are still not sure what the outcome will be in  many ways. There are still so many unknowns right now, but I have peace.

When I look back I see God had and has a huge hand in this thing called life and when I finally surrendered to Him and truly let go I started breathing again. I started living and I have not stopped. 

Was it easy? Hell no! 

Did I feel alone? Yes, at times I did. 

Was I scared? Scared to the point of being frozen sometimes.

 I remember friends coming over and feeding my kids and darn near forcing a chip with guacamole down my throat to get some kind of nutrition in me. I was frozen. 

I don’t think I danced for two solid weeks, which anyone who knows me knows is not normal.

 I stayed in bed for 8 solid days only to come down stairs and get on the couch to get under the covers just so I could hide. 

I think the last time I hid under covers was when I  was down with pneumonia and the time before that was when we lost our baby. 

Even when my mom died I got out of bed. It was a very dark time here in 2018 and 2019. But as I look back I can 100 percent say to you I would do it again to get to the miracles we have experienced.

Why do I tell you this? 

Because I know so many people who are suffering right now.

 How do I know this? 

Well, some of you share your stories.

Some I see on your faces…you don’t have to say anything. I see me, four years ago in your face, and truth be known I see pain.

 Some I hear from friends. 

Some I see on TV….the sad truth is….The world has pain. That is just reality.  


We saw pain with our Savior Jesus! Jesus had pain. 

His friends betrayed him. He was poor. He was gossiped about. People did not believe him. They mocked him. And they crucified him on the cross. They nailed his flesh and bone to the cross AFTER they drug him through the dirt and spit on him. Throwing rocks at him and laughing at him. That my friends sounds like pain. Emotional and physical.

These past years I realized that is why HE CAME! 

To lead the way for me and for you through the painful times we have experienced. To bring us closer to Him in the pain and suffering and when we learn to endure it….We learn to run with him! BUT first we have to learn to surrender to the suffering AND to the joy AND to ALL that He has for you and for me!!!!!

This is hard! Surrendering is hard. To surrender is uncomfortable. It goes against what the world says. The world has us thinking we can be in control of it all….if we work hard enough, hustle long enough, and push and fight until you have it.


 The minute you surrender….the minute you truly surrender you will have a spiritual awakening like never before. 

I promise you this. I will also make this promise to you…..

Surrendering is a daily, sometimes minute to minute deal. It does not happen just once. You have to work at it every day. 

How do I know this? 

Because some days I fail at surrendering. Somedays, I think I know what is best and how things should go and I move back into my manipulating, hustling, and controlling ways. Want to know what happens then? Chaos, confusion, exhaustion, sometimes pain, and it is never good.

So how do you begin to surrender? 

For me it starts every morning with some quiet time. I get up one hour earlier than anyone else in my family. I get my coffee and I sit with God. On days when I do not do this, well, those are the days I am less at peace. It is funny….days I get up, sit in quiet with God and really get still and surrender to Him….no matter what Satan throws at me, I feel more at peace…..

So I will ask you this, “Is it odd or is it God?”

Why don’t you try it for a month…

Get up before the rest of your family. Sit in the quiet and have a cup of coffee with God and watch what happens! 

I dare you and I know God yearns for you too!

Until Next Time,




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