
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Hurricanes, Rainbows, and Hope

Hurricanes, Rainbows, and Hope


Have you ever been in the middle of a crisis and stopped to think what you could learn? I know I personally have not stopped-while smack dab in the middle- and thought, “what could I learn from this?” That is until now…..

You see, the Berry family is in the middle of what I would describe as a hurricane. I actually want to call it a typhoon, but if I am being honest with you all, a typhoon would be a worst case situation ever and I don’t believe that is the case. It is bad and it is a story I may or may not tell you someday, but today I will tell you it is rough.

While sitting here this early morning I am honestly starting to feel the heavy weight of this storm slowly lifting. I am starting to see the clouds lift and I am thinking their is hope. I also find myself comparing my situation to Noah. Who is Noah some of you might ask? Noah is a pretty famous dude who has a really cool story. One that I find myself living in. I might get some backlash for comparing myself to this guy, but just go with it. I promise you will see what I mean.

If you don’t know who Noah is, look up in the Bible, Genesis Chapters 5-9. This will help you understand my analogy a bit. And when I say I am comparing myself to Noah I am by NO means comparing my character to Noah’s character….again, just go with it.

You see for this past couple of weeks I did not feel like I had the protection of the ark. Honestly, I felt like I was up to my neck in deep deep waters, paddling like a mad woman, all the while my head was cocked back and I was gasping for air- while the waves lapped water over my face and the rain kept pelting down on me. Then…I got smart and flipped on my back… and this past week I felt like I was entering the protection of the ark, but let me tell ya, the ark provides me a safe place and I don’t feel like I could drown, but it ain’t no party.

The ark is cramped. It is humid and muggy. It is smelly, loud, and the animals are going crazy in their cages throwing their poop at me! It is not fun and I am scared, sad, irritated, impatient and confused. It is however the place I find myself and I, like Noah, keep sending the dove out in hopes for some sign of life. I will say I am not seeing it yet, but I have the beautiful story of Noah and I know there is a rainbow for me and my family- selfishly I hope there is a double rainbow. I mean after all God does say the rainbow is the sign of his promise to never send a flood to destroy all life on earth again so I am asking for TWO rainbows in hopes that this hurricane we are in will never happen again. I mean come on….it never hurts to ask!

Did you know that a rainbow is a mixture of light-a perfect harmonic combination which produces a symbol of beauty, promise, and enlightenment.

Some Symbolic Meanings of Rainbows:

Life, hope, promise, potential, provision, harmony, connection, transformation

So as I wait for my double rainbow and I think about all the different meanings above, I find myself pondering the following:

  • What am I suppose to be learning from this storm? I think it is to breath. Don’t react. I cannot control anyone or anything, I can only control myself and my responses. Be grateful even in this storm-Transformation of Self.

  • Am I prepared to move into these circumstances with an open heart, forgiving and letting go where and when I need to? I don’t know, but I do know I have God in my corner and all I can do is lean on him and remember I have four humans counting on me. Their names are Trey, Will, JP, and Graeme.-This falls under life, hope, promises, provisions, and harmony.

  • What kind of promises have I made to the four individuals above and to myself and am I honoring them? I can honestly say yes to my family, but I need to remember my promise to myself and take care of me too. I need to put my oxygen mask on first to be able to take care of them and others. If that means I don’t respond to text messages or phone calls because I have zero energy then so be it. People will understand. If that means I need to take a nap and the house will suffer….oh well. If that means sometimes I need to go “dark” as I put it to get my footing then I shall go dark. This falls under hope and transformation.

  • Am I ready to be open to the new life in front of me once the dove comes back with signs of it? I don’t know, but what I do know is that it is okay and for now I will live my life one day at a time, some days one hour at a time and that is ok. Again hope.

My little words project bracelet for my daily reminder. I love it so much!

My little words project bracelet for my daily reminder. I love it so much!

So as I sit on this stinky ark in the middle of our storm I will wait patiently for the signs of life and the rainbows. While I do that, I will take this time to grow in my relationship with my Lord, I will relish my times with my family, and I will learn to let go and let God and I will do it with a grateful heart. From here on out I will announce how grateful I am for this storm.



Gratefulness Even in the Storm

Gratefulness Even in the Storm

In the beginning....

In the beginning....