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July Book Review

July Book Review

It’s been a while since we have done this…

Today I have two reviews and I am happy to report they are both awesome! One is a doozy and the other is….well, honestly the other is too! Both of them have catty gals who you just want to choke out and wonder if people really act like this….sadly I think there really might be people like this in the world….So we learn from our characters here how not to be and how to handle these nasty people.

First up…If you are looking for an easy, quick, brain-less read, that will leave you laughing and cringing. I have the book!

Wolves in Chic Clothing by Carrie Karasyov

Yall, this book was shallow, funny, entertaining, and honestly had me thinking….hmmm…I wonder if this is reality in the upper class. Because sister, if it is….WOWZA!

There were tons of shallow remarks like, “Rule number one: tight lips, tight hips, tight ships.”

What does that even mean?

I think the theme of the book is exactly what it means:

This story takes place in a high end department store owned by a very wealthy family. The daughter is part of the “golden ovary club” and literally runs the marketing and philanthropy for the company. She lives by the motto, “Rule number one: tight lips, tight hips, tight ships.” with her teammates AND her close knit friend group.

Tight lips-no gossiping

Tight hips-no overweight or big hips (wait until you have children honey!)

Tight ships-everyone works well together

But the tight lips…ya, that does not really happen and honestly reading this book showed me how shallow women who gossip are. And YOURS TRULY here is guilty. But, after reading this book, I am going to lock that nonsense up. It is not appealing and it only leads to hurt hearts and friendships. But, it is funny to read it and watch the train wreck as it unfolds. And that is exactly what happens in this book.

This train starts out slow and speeds up quickly. Before you know it, well it is headed for disaster!

But in true form, this author does an incredible job of showing how we all make mistakes. It is what you do with the mistake afterwards that matters. If you learn from it and grow, bravo, if you do not….well…that is on you and you may find yourself on a train to nowhere.

In a nutshell this book is quick, easy, cute, funny, and entertaining. So if you find yourself going on a little weekend, get away or heading to the beach, grab it. It will have you laughing and cringing, but cringing because wow, the elite may have a lot of money, but it shows money ain’t everything kid!

Grab your copy here and tell me what you think!

Next up Is Kristan Higgins Out of the Clear Blue Sky….Great read that has a great story line, but if I am being honest my heart hurts for our main character Lillie, but only for a bit! Good overcomes in the end!

The story starts out with what seems like a typical family of three. Life is tooling along and everything seems to be going great and out of the clear blue sky something or someone throws a wrench at this sweet family.

Before you know it, Lillie finds her picture perfect life upside down and she is having to hold it all in and together for her kiddo. I am not sure I agree with how Lillie and Bradzilla (her awful husband) handled the situation with their kid, but in true form, everything works out, it just is sticky for a while.

Along the journey, Lillie discovers who she is and that she is a lot stronger than she thinks. The really cool thing is, once Lillie rediscovers who she is….Out of the clear blue sky something wonderful happens!

Super fun, easy to read, lots of laughter, with a cute little Cape Cod setting…the perfect recipe for a summer book read!

Grab Yours Here!

Until Next Time,



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