
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

A Love Letter to Trey

A Love Letter to Trey

When I started my blog and my writing I made a pact with my husband I would not air any of our dirty laundry.  I am very open as most of you know by now and Trey's one request is that I would respect our "stuff."  I agreed with him, but with the knowledge of knowing at some time I would have to make it very clear that our marriage is not a story book marriage. 

No marriage that I know of is and we are no different.  We have our ups and downs.  Our good times and our bad times.  We have our scary moments and our moments of sheer joy.  What I think sets us apart from some marriages is that A. we never forget who is at the center of our marriage,  God, and B.  We never quit on each other.  I mean seriously people, if we did not have God at the center of our marriage, our marriage would of been over so long ago.  Promise.  It is just too hard in this broken world and without God we would be so lost and it would be so easy to just quit.  But we don't.  So today I want to thank my husband for not quitting ever.

Dear Trey, 

It's Valentines Day!  A day for love and romance.  After 17 years of marriage and really almost 26 years together since we met, I realize how lucky I am and that it is not just about the love and romance.  The romance comes and goes in a fleeting moment, but what you and I have....well, that has stood some test that would shake any relationship to it's core and we have managed to somehow come out of it stronger.  Why?  I firmly believe it starts with our faith in God and I know I have you to thank for that.  Sure my parents did a great job while I was growing up to get me to church and Sunday school.  They prayed over meals with me and at bedtime and I do think that set my foundation, but being married to you has been what has really challenged me in my faith and I mean this in a good way.  I will never forget when I got really sick in college and you wrote me a get well card that said, "I will be praying for you."  I thought that was weird!  A junior in college is going to pray for me?  Little did I know that was a glimpse into your passion for Christ.  As we got to know each other more and I got to witness first hand your love for God and I too began to grow in my faith.  Watching you made me want to be better.  Watching you made me want to know God more.  Watching you made me want to really have a faith and really trust in God.  You pushed me in my faith in times when I was frozen or had my back to it.  You never gave up on me in my walk and if I fall short again I still don't think you will give up on me.  Through you I have learned so much about grace, about forgiveness, about true love, and about faith.  For this I will forever be grateful. I grow to love you more everyday and I did not think this was possible, but it is true.  Naturally we have difficult moments where I wonder, "how are we going to make it through this time?" And I know unfortunately there will be more of those moments in the future, but I would not trade any of it for the world because I do think it is part of our love story and part of our journey.  There is no one else in the world who I would want to travel this path with but you, because Trey Berry, I love you and I am proud of the husband you are and so very proud of the father you are.  I love you more today than I did yesterday and less than I will tomorrow!  I love you big!  



Hello, World!

Hello, World!

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