
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Guest Post: My Web Designer - Shay Paulson of Merit Media

Guest Post: My Web Designer - Shay Paulson of Merit Media

Hello, Worthy Heart readers! I’m honored to be guest posting for Amy today.  We were introduced through a dear mutual friend several months ago, and hit it off - of course.  I mean, who doesn’t feel like they’re best friends with Amy?! 

Amy and I were finally able to meet in person with Lyndsy, who introduced us.  We enjoyed a fun evening eating and chatting at Rise.  I'm sure you'll come to know our girl Lyndsy soon, but you may know her by the Berry Family's nickname, "Blizzard."

Shay, Amy and Lyndsy (aka Blizzard)

Shay, Amy and Lyndsy (aka Blizzard)

Amy and I quickly connected over our love for building relationships and so much more. She’s a hoot.  I’m not a dancer, but it’s on my list of things to do soon - go to one of Amy’s dance classes.  

Amy’s been through a tough season after losing her mom and caring for her dad, but the beautiful thing is that she’s looking for an outlet to use her pain for good to encourage others through this blog.  I love that!  

Once Amy pitched her idea to me on wanting to start a blog about motherhood, grief, life, and everything in between, I knew it would get a great response because she’s already so relatable. In just the short time since we launched her site, so many people have commented, liked and shared, which was exactly what we'd hoped.  Definitely the power of community.

Amy asked if I’d be willing to share a bit about what I do for a living, since she’s getting so many questions about who designed her site and helped her launch her blog.  (Insert the girl raising her hand emoji here - that’s me!)

About My Business - Merit Media

I own Merit Media, a marketing and public relations company that specializes in web design, social media strategy, managing relationships and media.  I started my company about four years ago when my husband and I moved to Jacksonville, Florida for him to attend graduate school.  We’re moving back to Dallas next week, and I’m thrilled to be back in my hometown and the land of Tex-Mex.  

It was risky to start just as we moved, but I had four clients who believed in me, and I went for it.  That is my biggest piece of advice - just go for it!  

So many times we want things to be perfect before we put them out in the world.  You know what? Life’s too short and too precious for that.

A Little Background & My Experience

I have a degree from Baylor University in Journalism and Public Relations, and for the first part of my career, I worked for the March of Dimes as a fundraiser and event coordinator. Their mission to have healthy moms and healthy babies is near and dear to my family’s heart, because I spent three weeks in the NICU with bacterial spinal meningitis when I was a newborn.

It’s because of prayers and miracles and my time in the NICU that I have no complications from this disease.  (Unless you count not being able to navigate a map very well. But thank goodness for Google Maps!  I figure that’s the least of my concerns.)

After the March of Dimes, I had a short stint as a communications director for a trade organization, and then we moved to Florida.  I was crazy and started a business two weeks before we moved.  

Who Do I Work With?

It is one of my greatest joys to grow this business and work with a wide array of people, companies and causes.

I spend quite a bit of time reading, researching and staying up-to-date on the latest social media trends and news, in order to convey to my clients what’s happening and what is most important to focus on.  Social Media is always changing, and I know it can be overwhelming. That’s where I come in to help!

I work with personal bloggers, non-profits, restaurants, interior designers and musicians, just to name a few.  It keeps me hopping!  I love it.  (Have I mentioned that?!)  Because each client is unique, I start with a general inquiry email and then schedule a time to talk on the phone.  If we’re in the same city, I’ll do my best to meet up with you in person, too.  I have clients from the east coast to the west coast,  so I am able to travel a fair amount.

If you’re curious about the Marketing & PR Services I offer, here’s a short list.  I’d love to talk to you personally if you think I might be able to help you grow your idea or company.

  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Web Design
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Management
  • Media Relations
  • Start-up business consulting
  • Non-profit consulting
  • Event coordinating - weddings, events, fundraisers, media days, etc.

I’m booking 2018 dates and would love to help you grow your business or manage your event.

Here is my Merit Media website or you can email me directly at shay@meritmedia.net.

I hope to hear from you soon!


The Day my Water Broke

The Day my Water Broke

Yummy, Healthy, Pasta!  Say What?

Yummy, Healthy, Pasta! Say What?