
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

What Do You Radiate?

What Do You Radiate?

It's Valentines Day in a few days!  Have you even wondered where on earth or who on earth came up with this day?  I know I have, so I took a few minutes and researched it a bit and I found it very interesting and ironic really.   Did you know it started as a Roman tradition many many many many years ago?!  And it was said to have been in mid February to signify the coming of spring.  Unfortunately for us this year, our dear friend the ground hog saw his shadow.....so we are out of luck, but with that being said that is one of the reasons Valentines Day was first started.  

However,  did you know Valentine's Day has a dark side to it as well?  It is said that way back when, Emperor Claudius II executed two men-both named Valentine on February 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D.  The Catholic Church, believe it or not, deemed February 14 the day of romance named for their Christian Martyr's.  I find this so odd and ironic seeing that priest cannot even get married, but hey that is beside the point. The point is, these poor guys were beheaded for helping Christian couples wed. So Valentines day was not made up by some genius who is making a ton a money, which is what I originally thought.  No, February has been celebrated for many a years as the month of romance, and Valentines day as we know it today contains traces of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. 

After learning the roots of Valentines,  I do understand now why we celebrate it the way we do.  I also understand however, that it still leaves some people feeling empty.   That makes me sad.  I remember many a Valentine where I was left feeling empty thinking I had no one to love me romantically.  I was very blessed in I knew my parents, family, and friends loved me, but think of those who feel alone all the way around?  It is my guess in this broken world and in this world that feeds us so many lies, there will be a lot of people hurting Wednesday February 14.  Maybe even those who have someone to love them.  You never know what is going on behind that smile or in someone's heart. 

It's the law of radiation and attraction my dear.....

It's the law of radiation and attraction my dear.....

So I want to challenge myself and all my readers to really embrace something I was raised on.  My dad always said to me, "Amy, it is the law of radiation and attraction, you get what you give in life.....you give love, you get love, you give hate, you get hate."

I want to challenge us all, on this Valentines, to do a few things.  Dress the part if you can.  Wear something pink or red.  This is the easiest way to spread Valentine's cheer, but I want us all to pay it forward somehow.  Whether it is a smile to a stranger, letting that aggressive driver in, paying for the car behind you's coffee, or just giving a hug to your bagger at the supermarket.   Do something kind for someone outside of your circle today.  You will be surprised at the feeling that wells up inside of you.  That feeling is called love.  

If you are alone on this day, treat yourself to the spa, or that piece of cake you would never eat.  Take a long walk or drive and look at the beauty of the world.  Love yourself and be kind to yourself.  After all you too are worthy of love.  We all are and we are all in this day together so let's spread love.  Remember....whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting....Let's all love.....love hard....love pure....because people are worthy of love.  



Hello, World!






A Love Letter to Trey

A Love Letter to Trey

Grandpa's Favorite Dessert!

Grandpa's Favorite Dessert!