
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Do you BulletProof Your Joe?

Do you BulletProof Your Joe?

I know some of you have seen my morning instagram stories of putting butter in my coffee and I am sure you are like what is she doing?  Matter of fact I am positive you are saying that, because I took a poll and the statistics said it all.  I only have a few friends out there who know and understand the benefits to this powerful morning cup of Joe.  Today I wanted to share with you why I started and who knows maybe you will want to "Bulletproof" your cup of joe too!

About three years ago, my brother Chuck wanted to make me a "Bulletproof" coffee and I was like NO WAY!  That just sounds GROSS!  He told me to just try one cup and see if I like the benefit of how it suppresses my appetite.  WAIT!  It suppresses your appetite!?  Sign me  up!  He knew EXACTLY what to say to me to get me to try it!   So he made me my first cup and yall it was so creamy, yummy,  and frothy!  Bonus!  Frothy!  FANCY COFFEE!  SOLD!   So I decided to start drinking my coffee that way.  What I began to notice was incredible.  

A.  Yes it does suppress my appetite

B.   My energy levels rose

C.   My thinking was sharper

Now I am no expert by any means in this coffee, but I can tell you it has worked for me and I will explain why In "Amy's Terms," but if you would like to dig deeper into the science behind it yourself, I HIGHLY suggest you checking out the following website:  www.bulletproofexec.com

First let me tell you what EXACTLY I put into my coffee:

2 tablespoons Kerry Gold Grassfed Butter Unsalted (Silver Packaging)

1-2 tablespoons MCT oil

1 scoop of collagen peptides

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Sprinkle some Turmeric

Dash or two of  Cayenne Pepper

dash of Black Pepper (this helps your body absorb the turmeric)

****And now I add one scoop or packet of my Revitalu coffee or cocoa depending on my mood*****

YES!  This is what goes into my coffee and I love it!  The key here is to have a hand blender and blend it up REALLY good and it is DELISH!  Promise! The other note I would like to make is when you are starting out on BP coffee you will want to go slow.  Only 1-2 teaspoons of butter and oil or trust me you will be making a lot of full on sprints to the bathroom! So start slow!  Besides, slow and steady wins the race! 

Now let's get into the nitty gritty of why and what this coffee REALLY does for me and CAN and WILL do for you.  FIRST off, I DID NOT lose mega weight drinking this coffee AND I DID NOT GAIN ANY weight!  I did lose maybe 5 pounds total.  What I did start to see happen was my appetite was suppressed,  my energy level went up, which increased my performance level in my workouts,  which in turn brought on......guess......You GOT IT! Weight loss! Another thing I noticed was our mornings seemed to be running smoother.  I am no longer waking up and getting my normal cup of joe that literally was helping me put one foot in front of the other.  I am now getting my brain fed with these healthy fats and my thinking is sharper which in turn makes mornings a little easier and smoother.  I am not about to sit here and say the Berry morning's are unicorns and roses, but they do seem to be easier to handle.  So as you can see the butter in your morning joe is a good thing!  

I will try to explain to you my understanding of why this coffee is so incredible, but again, I HIGHLY recommend you taking the time to research my brother Chuck's friend, Dave Asprey, and his web page and podcast I referred to above to really understand the science behind it.  But, for today's purposes, here is the Amy Berry Scientific explanation of BP coffee.

Butter:  Now YOU CANNOT USE JUST ANY OLD BUTTER!  It MUST be Grass fed organic unsalted butter and all I have found is Kerry Gold.  It is the  one in the silver packaging.  Benefits:  The butter actually helps to turn off food cravings and provides MUCH needed HEALTHY fats to your brain AND this particular butter has extra anti inflammatory ingredients that normal butter does not.  I am sure we will see that this alone will help ward of many inflammatory diseases if not help prevent them.  Grass fed butter has all the extra healthy fats that have been proven to help sustain energy, balance your hormones, and boost your cognitive function.  If you are ANYTHING like me, the balancing of the hormones is LIFE SAVING!  Just saying!   


MCT oil: this is basically a blend of coconut oil and palm oil and has incredible healthy fats that keep you going for hours! So that normal crash you feel around 10:30 does not happen!  MCT oil is digested faster which boost energy and this can increase your chances of losing weight.  It does, however,  depend on how you expend this extra energy!  Wink! Wink! The MCT oil is also what helps give you that "laser focus" and your mental clarity.  MCT will helps raise your keytones which in turn helps you to burn off bad fats and sugar faster.  

Collagen is the protein that our body relies on. It is so good for everything from your hair, nails, skin, tendon’s, cartilage, bones, and joints! When you dance as much as I do this is a huge game changer in helping to keep my body strong! Especially at such a YOUNG AGE! Ha!

Cayenne Pepper:  This little spicy spice has been proven to help speed up your metabolism, stimulate circulation, eliminate acidity,  helps regulate your blood sugar levels, and helps the digestive system move bacteria and toxins out of your system.  We could all use that with what they are putting in our food these days!

 Black pepper:  I use a dash of black pepper  because it has been proven to help in the absorption of the Cayenne Pepper. 

Turmeric:  This bad boy is natures ibuprofen and is a strong antioxidant.  If you have achy joints and bones and inflammation this is an incredible spice to put in your coffee and in your food.  We ALL need to ward of inflammation!  This nasty stuff is what causes MOST if not ALL of our diseases.    

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a miracle worker for the body.  In my opinion, cinnamon is the most delicious and healthiest spice on the planet.  It can lower blood sugars, reduce your risk of heart disease, it is a high source of antioxidants, contains anti inflammatory properties, helps to ward off mental and cognitive decline, protects brain function, helps to fight infections and viruses, and can lower your risk of cancer.  That is alot of good right there in a spice that oh by the way can freshen your breath! 

And here is where I add the magic! My Revitalu coffee or cocoa. It honestly depends on my mood as to which I will add. The coffee is not nearly as sweet, but somedays I just need the chocolatey sweetness! Either way you cannot go wrong! But, why do I add? Because I believe in bullet proof and I believe in this product. The mental focus and the energy I gain is unbelievable. Yes I do add it to my coffee! Do you have to? NO! It was actually designed just for water which makes this a win-win because when I am on the road all I need is a packet of my revitalu and I know I am bullet proof! And I love that! I do tell my friends if you are sensitive to caffeine not to add it to your coffee until you know how you react, but I am telling you guys, when I add this to my bullet proof recipe…..well….all I can say is “WATCH OUT WORLD BECAUSE HERE I COME!” If you would like to try it you can buy it here or you can ask me for a free sample and I will send out to you. I promise you will love it!

So as you can see, this cup of joe I drink everyday truly is Bulletproof worthy!  It is literally designed to resist the penetration of toxic bullets to the body!  Who would not want to do this!  And if it helps raise your energy level, you may or may not start to exercise and with that might come even more weight loss, a happier self, AND a healthier self!  It's a beautiful thing I tell ya!  

So won't you join me in this new year and make Bulletproof Coffee one of your staples in your life and see what happens!  I bet it is a lot of good and a lot of wins!

Cheers to Winning in 2018!



PS. This blog was updated as I have added two new things to my recipe. The collagen peptides and my Revitalu! I hope you will give them both a try! GAME CHANGERS!

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