
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

What's for dinner

What's for dinner

With Thanksgiving right in front of us followed by all the Christmas parties and Christmas, I really need to be watching what I eat.  I tried another Primal Mom recipe and my family LOVED it!   I did it a little differently than she does, simply because I hate cooking meat on my stove in a pan, so I tried baking our chicken and it was amazing!  You should try it too!  It is super easy and very fresh and delish!  You can also make each kid's plate right to their liking which is always great in this house!




4 Chicken Breast

grape tomatoes (you will plate these and can use however many each person desires)

2 cucumbers or more if your family loves cucumber

1 Tablespoon Dried Basil

1 Tablespoon Dried Parsley

2 Tablespoons real Kerry Gold Butter

4 Cups Mixed Greens or more if you have a lot of rabbits at your table

1 Cup Pistachios


Salt and Pepper


First step in baking the most delicious chicken is brining it.  Yep you heard me.  I always brine my chicken.  It is so easy too.  Just fill a large bowl with warm water and salt and let the salt dissolve.  Add your chicken and let it sit there for 15 minutes.  I have been known to put mine in the frigelator for 6 hours and it is unbelievable! 

Next cut the chicken breast in half.  Melt your butter in a bowl and add your basil and parsley and brush over your chicken.  You can then salt and pepper to your liking. 

Now I like to cook my chicken on high, but you do what your family prefers.  I preheat my oven to 450 degrees and cook those babies for about 18 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked (160-170 degrees F).

While the chicken is cooking you can cut up your tomatoes, chop your cucumbers, and cut up your mozzarella into chunks.

When all is done you will evenly plate each plate with the greens.  Top each with the chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, pistachios and cheese. 

And if your family is like mine, some will get greens, some will not.  Some will get tomatoes some will not.  Each plate you can build however you heart desires.  

Such a fresh and healthy meal that has something for ALMOST everyone!

Hope you enjoy! 

Tell me what you are eating that is healthy these days?  I would love to know!






Are You in the Club?

Are You in the Club?

Option 3!

Option 3!