
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

2022 The Year of OVERFLOW

2022 The Year of OVERFLOW

As we walk into a new year many of us will set intentions, resolutions, or goals. I used to do this, but what I found for me personally was when I slipped up, failed, or just gave up, I would beat myself up. Anyone know what I am talking about?

As a coach and as a forever optimist it goes against my very core to set myself or you up for failure. Am I saying I know I would fail? No. I don't think we can say that, but I am saying life happens and when it does, well, things slip, change, or just don't work for us the way they use to.

Case in point. I LOVE COFFEE! Yall know this about me. I post a cup a day normally. Well, now thanks to fluvid....my tastebuds cannot stand the taste of it! True story. Sad story because I really looked forward to that cup of joe daily. And hear me when I say this, I am still making coffee every morning hoping against all hope I will love it again, but it ain't happening...so I pivot, and I am learning to drink something else with God in the morning during my quiet time. It is not as fun, but it is life. Did I fail? No...my tastebuds changed thanks to fluvid. Am I failing you by not posting my cup of joe? No, but dare I admit I felt I was at first? Then it hit me, "Amy, this is life. Constantly everchanging life. Yesterday you loved coffee, today you abhor it, tomorrow we will see, but just for today be thankful you are able to pivot and drink something else while you spend time with God.”

Point here is life is ever flowing and ever changing. Like a river. A river never passes the same place twice. Just like a river, we never pass the same moment twice. There will be obstacles. There will be dams that stop the flow. There will be quiet moments and rushing fierce moments. There will be moments in the cold dark and moments in the warm sun. There will be patches of dry land that the river slowly fills and while it is filling the hole it does so with patience. We can learn from the river. We can be like the river.

How? When life throws us a twist, a turn, an obstacle, death, job loss, illness, or anything uncomfortable, think of the river. What would a river do? It would keep flowing. It finds ways to flow. Over, around, under, and that is what we should do as well. Be open, flow like a river, and just see where life takes you. You might find that you when you go with the flow you actually overflow.

Did you know that in a contest between a river and a rock the river always wins? How? Because the river is willing to answer the natural call of God, gravity, and life to go over, under, around, or maybe even through the rock, to its destiny, which is as it is with all water, to merge with the ocean.

What is your destiny? Are you the rock? Stuck, relentlessly, pushing against the flow of the river…the flow of change? What do you think happens to that rock? It gets worn down over time, until one day it is a pebble and it is eventually swept away.


Are you the water, going with the flow of life without trying to force or manipulate it?

Going with the flow is the obvious course, but for some reason we are scared. We don’t like change and we think we know what is best for us. But the truth is, if you can surrender to the journey, the reason you were created, your purpose, the one HE, God, created you for, the journey that is yours and only yours to take, when you can surrender to that and do it with grace and ease it is then that you will begin to flow like a river and you will become the water.

Don’t be the rock. The rock represents your past and your attachment to it. Your resistance to change and your fears of the unknown. Tomorrow is unknown, the next hour is unknown, let go of the fear and be present in the moment and just go with the flow of now, this present moment. I know this is so much easier said than done, but this year, each morning when you wake, decide, will you be the rock or will you be the river. If you feel you are needing to control something, fearing something, what is it? What are you trying to manipulate or force before its time? Journal on that and decide what else might be true? Peel back the layer until you get to the root and when you do get to the root, decide what you will do with it. Decide right there if it is something you will release and surrender to the flow of life. I promise you this. When you learn the habit of surrender, true surrender, and you learn to go with the flow, you will sleep more soundly, love more fully, think more clearly, and you and everyone around you will feel the overflow of peace that comes with trusting the river to know where it is going and just let go and let flow.

So as we enter into 2022 may we enter into it with flow.

May we be patient in adversity.

Thankful in prosperity.

AND may we have a firm trust in God and His ultimate will for each of us.

May 2022 be the year of overflow….

Overflow of

Love, Peace, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

May 2022 overflow with all of these blessings from above.




Where Is Your Happy Place?

Where Is Your Happy Place?

Do we Need a National Grief Day Really?

Do we Need a National Grief Day Really?