
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Where Is Your Happy Place?

Where Is Your Happy Place?

What a week! We just got back from a week in Florida and I have to say a week at the beach did this girl good!!!!

The Beach is my Happy Place

It is the place that I feel the most at peace with myself and with the world. Watching the water, feeling the sand in my toes, the magnificent sunsets, the blue sky, dolphins, and the list goes on and on…the point is I am at peace and a place of total surrender.


Wednesday, March 16, Graeme’s sunburn was doing a number on him. Side note, the tips I got from you all were incredible and I will share them in the future, but I decided to stay close to the house so I was close to him. Luckily the house was on the beach so I was able to sit on our porch and watch the water. While sitting there, God and I had a few chats. One in particular really stood out to me.


My Conversation with God

“God, as I sit here listening to the sounds of the seagulls, the water, the wind, and watching the waves all I can think is how amazing your creation is.”

It was in that moment I felt God say back to me while smiling:

“Yes, Amy I am looking at my creation too….You! You are amazing and I created you too….I created you on purpose for a purpose and I want you to stop holding back out of fear and I want you to share what is on your heart….”

What is on my heart?

Worthiness and how EVERYONE is Worthy and Worthy of LOVE!


You know what happened that day on the beach? I tuned into God’s radio platform and listened and realized God has a purpose for me.

What is that purpose?


God showed me that day how he is going to use me to show you and anyone who wants to join me how worthy you really are! So if you are someone who struggles in the area of worthiness or you struggle in truly believing you are worthy of a GOOD Life, I want to challenge you to follow along. Share this blog with anyone who could use a little dose of worthiness and love in their life as well!

Because, God and I both believe EVERYONE IS WORTHY OF LOVE.




Where Were You?

Where Were You?

2022 The Year of OVERFLOW

2022 The Year of OVERFLOW