
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

College Bound!-A Mother's Advice To Her Son

College Bound!-A Mother's Advice To Her Son

It happened so fast. It was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with you and now you are going to college. Just like that, you are gone, and boy does it feel like you are going to be gone forever.

Realistically I know this is not true, God willing it is not true, but I can’t help but shake the feeling that you are ready to fly. I know this is a good thing, but my heart hurts so bad, yet at the same time I am so excited to see what the future holds for you. Is it possible to be in both emotions? Gut wrenching sadness and excitement? I say yes! Because I am living in it right now.

Will, your future is bright! How do I know this? Well, I am going to give Dad and I a HUGE pat on the back here and say because we did right by you! I know we did. How do I know this? Because we did what we were called to do by our creator. We loved you from the moment you were formed in my womb. We protected you. We raised you to know Jesus. We were there for you and I know for a fact the Holy Spirit is within you. How? Because I see it! I see it daily in your acts of kindness and in your thoughts and in your dreams. Why do I tell you this? So you know you are NEVER alone! EVER! And we are just a phone call or a car ride away. Know that! Remember your safe word? You are never to old to use it! Trust me on that! I will ALWAYS coming running!

This is going to be one of the BEST TIMES of your life! Soak it up! Cherish it! Enjoy this ride, BUT, be smart. Work hard AND play hard. This is kind of a balancing act. Balance to me is a lie society tells us we can achieve. I disagree. I feel that there will be times where you find yourself playing pretty darn hard and YOU, my son, will have to figure out how to fit in the work hard part. You ALWAYS have a choice! Remember life is ALL about choices. Every choice you make has a consequence so make sure you choose wisely and choose carefully.

You will mistakes. We all do! Lord knows I have made MORE than my fair share! What you do with those mistakes will define who you are, the mistake itself will not. You can always pivot and remember, EVERYTHING IS FIGURE OUT ABLE!!!! Trust me on this. You just might have to get creative with the solution!

Speaking of solutions….try to always be a part of the solution. One of the biggest mistakes people make is staying in the problem. Save yourself a lot of time and energy and figure out how to be in the solution. My dad taught me this and it saved me so much anxiety. But, don’t let me fool you….this is a hard one…sometimes we just want have that pity party and be in the problem. Beautiful thing here is YOU are in charge of YOU and you get decide when you no longer want to be in the problem, but in the solution. Being in the solution will automatically put you ahead of the game and you will grow so much from it.

Another huge way to grow is to seek out people who are different, Will. Truthfully, you have always been good at this, but remember you learn from others and when someone is different we can learn so much more about life. So much goodness comes from others which can and will change your life for the better and help you grow into a loving and compassionate person. Something this world needs more of. Speaking of…Be the good! Always be the good.

Get to know your professors. This can make or break a grade. Trust me! I know first hand. And did you know your mama graduated with a 3.95, which back in the olden days was what a 4.6 is for you guys! So there is A LOT of goodness that comes when you get to know your professors, your deans, and anyone who is involved with your school. TRUST me! Not to mention, practicing the art of getting to know others and being truly interested in their lives is a super quality to have out in the real big world. It takes you out of yourself and into others. And that is what people want the most. No matter who they are. They want to be seen, heard, and respected.

Which leads me to my last bit of advice….CALL YOUR MAMA! I NEED to be seen, heard, and loved. I need to know you still need me, even if it is just to ask me where to go to buy socks. I need to know you see me and you adore me….so call me! Please call me!


OK I lied! One last thing…you can pivot on any decisions you make. If you find that what you are doing does not light you up, just pivot! It is not worth doing if it does not light your soul on fire! You do You Will because the world needs the human being you are!!!!!

Dad and I gave you roots and now we must give you your wings!

This is your life Will! It is yours to create! So write the story of your dreams and go after them! Go after them with all your heart! You are AMAZING! You are TALENTED! You are READY! Your mountain is waiting! So get on your way!





Mom (and Dad)


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