Amy's Version of Kazi Fried Rice
So when Will and JP were little they always LOVED to go to this restaurant on their birthdays called Kazi. Well, the tradition rolled over to sweet Graeme and unfortunately this year we were shelter in place. So I started a mission. I decided I was going to figure out how to make fried rice as close to Kazi as I could. And folks I am happy to say tonight I might have nailed it! The only thing missing was the entertainment of the hibachi chef and I had to do it. But hey it is ok because I have been practicing this entire shelter in place, researching how to get the rice perfect, and I think I got it! And yall! It is super easy!!!!! Now disclaimer, it does take at least 24 hours and I will explain why in a minute, but after you do the prep it is so easy! Promise! So give it a whirl and let me know what you think! And in case you are wondering, the kids LOVE this stuff! So try it!
Little Will and JP! Oh my how I miss these boys!