
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

College Bound

College Bound

It’s that time of year. So many of you will be sending your kiddos off to college for the first time. I remember sending my first born, Will, like it was yesterday.

I was a mess.

We were still wearing masks, there were so many unknowns, and I was expected to send him to another state 5 hours away and be ok with it. I was not, but I got there, and you will too.

This is such an exciting time for your kiddo and for you really. What you will find is your relationship will change.

Somedays the relationship will feel more mature, some days you will be hitting your head up against a wall wondering where you went wrong, and other days you will be thinking to yourself, “I guess he just has to learn the hard way, because, I KNOW I TAUGHT HIM BETTER.”


Sadly there will be those days where you are on the floor in fear and worry, but you will get through it mama and the sun will come up! I promise!

Your emotions and feelings will be all over the place. The one thing I can tell you is: If you made it to this place, the place where your kiddo is earnestly ready to leave the nest, you did good!

That was your job.

Keep them alive and get them ready to fly.

So give yourself a pat on the back and maybe do what I did. Sit down and write your child a letter. A letter from the heart. You will find it is very healing and they will go away knowing how proud you are and how loved they are. There is nothing better than those two feelings!!!!! Here is my letter to Will back in 2020. I still get choked up reading it and I still stand by all the advice given that day. So Will, if you are reading this, click here and remember what I said. LOVE YOU MOST SAID IT LAST! LYMSIL, Mom (And JP, YOU TOO! This all applies to you as well my love! And remember: Shine Bright! The Stage and The Camera need your light!!!! So does this world! IWALY)

To all my moms reading this: YOU DID GOOD AND YOU ARE WORTHY!




Wednesday's Worthy Word

Wednesday's Worthy Word

Macaroni and Cheese To Truffle For

Macaroni and Cheese To Truffle For