
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

His Love is an Unlimited Love

His Love is an Unlimited Love

What would it really mean to have someone love you unlimitedly? That is not even a word, but today, I, Amy Berry, deem it a word! And let me tell ya, my Aunt Eleanor is rolling around in her grave and my English teacher, Mrs. Morris, is cringing as she reads this, but hey….I am making a point here. God loves me even in my imperfections, transgressions, misgivings, and misspellings! Ha~

I really crack myself up sometimes. Back to my point. My point here is God! God loves you with an unlimited amount of love. Do you know that? I really don’t think I did until later in life. Like really later. Like (again Aunt Elanor is rolling and Mrs. Morris is cringing with all these likes!) but, like 2017-2018ish and I was born in 1970! So you do the math! A LOT LATER IN LIFE!

Do you know, really know, that God’s Love is unlimited. It has no bounds. It will exceed your every expectation! Do you know this? Do you believe this? I did not and I tested Him and I will challenge you now to test Him. Trust me He can handle it and He welcomes it! Don’t believe me? Then do it!

How you might be asking yourself. Well, in 2017 when I was really down in the dumps and questioning God and His existence, my mother in law got me a “God Box”. A God Box can be any kind of box. This one was just a cardboard box and she told me to put all my pain, all my frustrations, all my fears, all my trials, all my questions, anything that was bringing me worry, fear, or doubt, on a piece of paper, date it, and throw it in the box. I did it. She also told me to pray over it. I did not do that because I was really angry with God at that time in my life. Guess what that is OK if you are too! But, if you are further along in your walk then I was, I will challenge you to pray over the box every time you place something in it.

The point in this part of the exercise is you are outwardly saying, “God, I sUrrender, (there is that word of mine for 2020 and that U is capitalized for a reason! U is for Unlimited Love of God), I give this to you Lord, it is yours, do with it what You will. I trust that You love me beyond anything I can imagine and You will bless this or something better will happen. This will resolve how You see fit. THY WILL BE DONE.” And just like that you let it go.

I know, it is not that simple, but doing this exercise is a tiny step in letting it go, surrendering to our Father, and trusting that His will will be done. Again, don’t believe me, try it. You will find that slowly, but surely as you surrender whatever it is to Him, He will prove to you over, and over, and over again how His love has no bounds!

As time goes on and the dust settles on your fears, worries, doubts, situations, take a look in your box and pull out a piece of paper or two. Look at the date. My gut tells me you will see that whatever it was is handled, maybe not how you thought, but everything is OK and if it is not, more than likely it is better and your faith becomes firmer in understanding how truly amazing God’s love is for you .

So today as I think about my word for 2020 and how I have broken it down I will celebrate how great and UNLIMITED our Heavenly Father’s love is for you and for me! You my dear friend are worthy of His love! Even in our unlovable moments We are Worthy and His Love is UNLIMITED!!!!!!

Until Next Time,



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