
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

Surrender and Obey

Surrender and Obey

2020 here you are! Ready or not, which I was not, BUT here you are! Funny thing is normally I am way ahead of the game when it comes to new year, goals, words, resolutions, which I do not do, or whatever new comes with the new year, but this year I found myself frozen. Frozen solid! I could not muster the energy to write, to read, to plan, to organize, to do anything really! Why?

I will tell you some of the reasons why. Comparison, among other things, but if I am being honest, comparison is one real reason why. I would see people on their insta stories doing their vision boards, still have not done mine, talking of their resolutions, their dreams, giving their word for 2020, they would be so happy, God are they happy, AND perfect….oh so perfect… all the while I was frozen, hurting, scared, and screaming inside.

Screaming, “WHY GOD! WHY?” 2020 has been rough and we are only three weeks in. So I have decided to raise my hands and surrender! Yep SURRENDER! I give up! I am giving up! You heard me! Giving the you know blankety blank blank up!

What does that mean? It means I am admitting right here, right now, I am powerless! I am powerless over a lot of things going on and I am surrendering! I am surrendering to God because I know if anyone can bring some kind of peace back to my world it is Him. Let’s face it, this world is hurting. I am hurting. My family is hurting, and the only hope I have is in God. So I will surrender!

So my word for 2020 is officially SURRENDER but I would like to tack on OBEY….I feel in order to truly surrender I need to obey God. I need to surrender to God and be obedient so I can know what to do. What HE wants me to do, which Lord knows He might have to hit me over the head with a frying pan for me to get it….All I know is I am ready to do what it is He wants me to do. That is scary to say even, but I firmly believe if I surrender, fully surrender, to Him, He will show me the way. But, I also know it is not enough to just surrender. I know I will have to surrender over and over and over and over again….all day long….and it will not just be enough to surrender. I MUST be obedient and DO IT!!!! Lord help me is not enough….LORD HELP ME TO WALK OUT AND OBEY….That is what it needs to be.

So for the next 12 months I will go into detail of how I have personally broken down my word to apply it to my life. Maybe just maybe it will help you on your journey….if not you, maybe someone else.

Here’s to 2020 and here’s to not only surrendering, but to truly being obedient!

Until Next Time,



You Light Up My Life!

You Light Up My Life!

A Worthy Woman

A Worthy Woman